Just as I'm about to ask what all this meant, Zayn hits the breaks and honks the horn. I had sucked in a breath from the sudden halt, gripping my plastic cup tightly to avoid dropping it.

People, so many of them, are crossing the residential street. Some with candles, others holding balloons and followers. One man in particular stops in front of the car, putting a hand up to motion an apology.

"Shit," Zayn mutters under his breath.

I look out the window as Zayn begins to drive slow again. The people are blocking his driveway and I quickly gather that a candlelight vigil is being held for Carlos, the guy who had been shot cold right outside of Zayn and Sutton's home.

On the fence, his picture is held up and my heart begins to sink at the remembrance that he's dead and his friends and family—or complete strangers—are here to mourn. Near his picture with all the flowers, an older woman sobs. She's on her knees, weeping as if crying would bring him back. The people around her comfort her, giving her small back rubs. I can't help but assume Carlos was her son.

Zayn comes to a stop in front of his gated driveway. He unbuckles as I continue to sit in silence. "Let me just-" he mumbles, getting out of the car. I lean forward to get a better view out the windshield. I watch Zayn ask the people to clear his driveway as he slides his gate open. They oblige, but rather slowly.

Sutton is quiet. I keep in mind how terrified she was over the drive-by shooting. She lost sleep, I can tell, and she missed work because of it. I reach out in front of me to touch her shoulder. "Are you alright?" I ask her.

She touches my hand. "Yeah," she whispers, looking out her window where all the people were gathered. She then sighs. "It's just... I knew him. He wasn't involved in anything. He was just around. A bit of a fuckboy. It's why I made him scram when he tried to dance with you."

Zayn comes back. With the driveway cleared, he drives into it before stationing completely. It's when I unbuckle. I look to my left where black trash bags of my clothes and other essentials crowd the space next to me. I open the door, stepping out, and taking my plastic cup with me. I'm about to reach in to grab my packed belongings, but I look over at the crowd again.

Almost everybody is crying. His mother still sobs and it's breaking my heart all over again.

"Butterfly," Sutton calls me, sliding a hand up my arm to grab my attention. "Come inside... Zayn will bring your stuff in."

"Oh," I slip as she guides me away from the car. My eyes then break away from the crowd. I look ahead to watch where I'm going. I follow Sutton into her home and I'm immediately greeted by Stark. He's what resurfaces a smile on my face. "Hi, boy," I say to him, sliding a hand onto his head for a small scratch.

"Want a beer? I feel like you've had a long day," Sutton chuckles under her breath after her offer.

Yeah, I could have a beer right now.

"Yes, please," I say and follow her into the kitchen. A happy Stark follows right behind us with a wagging tail. I stop near the trashbin as Sutton reaches into the refrigerator. After sipping up what was left of my iced coffee, I toss my cup into the bin. "Did you guys know there was going to be a candlelight vigil?" I then ask.

She nods, shutting the refrigerator door. "Yeah, his family asked for permission but-" She pauses after searching a drawer for what I assume is a bottle cap opener. When she can't find it, she brings the cap up to her mouth. Using her teeth, she snaps the cap off the bottle, letting it hit the floor. She then giggles. "Don't tell Zayn I did that. I know it's bad... Anyway, we knew about the vigil. We just didn't think a lot of people would show."

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