The more I stared at him the more confused I got, was he being serious?

Judging by the pursed lips, no smile, clenched sharp jaw with barely a flicker in his eye of emotion, he probably was. 

"You want me to...catfish my own ex boyfriend?" I asked slowly. It was more that I had to make sense of this situation more than nameless. Because nameless looked like he was being serious, with the way he was sitting, he made that large recliner look small. 

"How that's going to get your money back?" I asked confused. 

"You lead us to him, he gives us our money back and you can...go."

The plan sounded simple in his head perhaps, but not in my head. 

"Why on earth would Edward come back for more money from me, when he's got $90 million from you? He'd be content with that, that's one thing I know Edward to be. He might be a jerk, idiot, loser, arsewipe but he was a calculated one at that. He wouldn't put himself in risk of losing $90,090,000 for a dollar more from me.

"Well you see," nameless said leaning forward, his arms rest on this thighs as he clasped his hands together, "The funds he stole from us, he can't readily use. He will need quick cash another way, that's probably why he took from you as well. You spent two years with him, surely theres something he must have said that you could use to track him down."

"You said it, he spent two years with me? Why would he want to come running back to me?" I asked. I mean the man had seen probably every crevice in my body, as much as I hated to think about it, it wasn't like I was Megan Fox that could re-tempt him with my amazing body. 

I was your average joe - or jane doe in this situation. 

"What do you mean he can't use your $90 million? Did you freeze it?" I asked. 

He smiled, "It's a figurine he stole from us, the diamonds inside is worth $90 million, if he tries to sell it somewhere he's going to be caught. He would have to leave the country and find a seller willing enough to buy it off him, and there's not many sellers out there that would want to cross paths with me. Take that as a note, you probably should listen to me if you wanted to live."

I sighed, leaning back against the sofa, "You know my will to live is really small after he took all my money. We weren't in love, he wouldn't have told me anything. You might as well end me," I said sticking my tongue out and my head back trying to give him the best impression of a murder. 

He didn't seem phased by my acting skills.

"That's not my problem, you have until tomorrow to decide whether or not you want to help us," He said as there was another knock on the door.

This time the door didn't open, the knock just repeated when no one opened it.

"Or what?" I asked.

"Or...," then he smiled, a smile that I was unsure if it made his face more handsome, or scary, "use your imagination," he turned to look towards the door, "Come in."

The door opened and a man I didn't recognise walked in. There seemed to be a trend here, everyone seemed to be dressed well. I suddenly felt really self conscious in my leggings and jumper that boldly said it was SATURDAY, when really, I didn't even know what day it was. 

"Gideon Lee long time no see long lost friend...and...who's this." the face turned to look at me.

Finally I was able to put a name to the face and mysterious man that was sitting across from me.

Gideon stood up, turning around and taking a step, blocking my view.

That's rude.

"Anthony...Who let you in here?" there was calmness in his voice, even though something about that sentence made it seem like he wasn't very happy.

"You're the one that said come in," I whispered, and by the clearing of the throat, perhaps he had heard me.

I leaned to the side, trying to get another look at the other man but it was too late, nameless, now referred to as Gideon took the three steps with utter ease, leading the man back towards the door. The door closed with the bang that echoed through the house as I looked at the small fire that was burning.

As promised Archie had shown me how to use it, I just didn't pay attention and now I was going to have a very cold and sleepless night by the look of it. 

My stomach grumbled, and now I was going to eat his food.

* * * 

I had to give it to myself, at least I woke up before noon this time.

I slipped into a jacket as I walked into my lounge room, empty. At least I had my privacy here. I walked into the kitchen making a coffee with their coffee machine, for some reason being kidnapped was better than living by myself. 

I was alone, but I never was truly alone. There was someone always on the other side of that door, I presumed anyway, and I couldn't open the door from the inside. 

I tried.

I grabbed my cup of coffee, tiptoeing to the door. I held the warm cup in my hand as I looked through the peep hole.

I wondered who was there this time.

What I didn't expect was the door to fly open, bang against me making the boiling liquid splash against myself.

At least I was wearing a thick jacket. The scalding liquid only felt warm by the time it soaked through my clothes and I looked up to see Gideon looking super confused at what was obstructing the door. This time he banged it again harder and it flew open and stayed open.

He stepped inside looking at me, holding an empty coffee cup, way too close to the top stair and was staring at him.

"What were you doing?" He asked.

"I was like...looking through the peephole," I said honestly, and then shrugged, "I get bored."

Gideon gave me a weird glance, an expression i couldn't quite uncover as he closed the door behind him. It gave more than a long look outside to realise that we weren't the only 3 cottages here, there was a bigger house a cross on an elevated road. Perhaps that's why I never hear a car pull up when there are knocks. It seemed like we really were just in a suburban area with built up houses everywhere. It helped me narrow it down to think that we were in the country side, perhaps where people only really came during some seasons.

The door slammed shut and I was forced to walk back down as Gideon pretty much started to walk straight, and into me.

I placed the empty cup on the table and grabbed some tissues trying to wipe my jacket. 

"Have you made your decision?" he asked.

Gideon was standing this time, he didn't bother to take a seat on the chair.

He took a look around the place and his eyes came back to look at me.

"Yes." I said

"Good, what is it?"

"Oh, it is a yes." I said, not realising he need further clarity. 

Gideon looked at me, for the first time his lips curved the very smallest inch up as he placed his hands into his pocket.

"Good, let me tell you the plan."

Next update in a few days! Already scheduled it so you don't have to wait too long!

Follow me on Insta: nihapupzy xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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