𓆗 ~ Raisha ~ 𓆗

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*all finished with the bio peeps* 𓆗

Hello there.

This is Raisha here. I usually go by MLB333 though on Wattpad. You probably know a bit about me already, but I suppose I'll reiterate my life's story for your convenience.

I lived in Southern Zhong as a child, one of many children of my merchant parents. Because I was one of many, my parents didn't really see me as anything special, and I was mostly ignored in my family. I grew up learning the trade, and how to act in front of other to get what you wanted. When I was eleven, I was informed that at age eighteen I would be sent to live with the merchant I was to be married to, as was expected of me.

Of course, being myself, I wasn't happy AT ALL with this decision, and no matter how much I protested, I was invaluable to my parents, and my pleas were ignored. About half a year before I summoned Gerathon, Zerif approached me, noting my persuasive skills and my innocent and friendly persona. And, well, having being faced with the choice of being married off to someone I didn't even know, or living a life that suited me with Zerif, the choice was a simple one.

As you might of heard, I spent the next few months helping track down and posses several of the reincarnated Great Beasts, such as Halawier, Arax, Suka, and others. But, rather obviously, that completely backfired, as when I summoned Gerathon, Zerif took my Spirit Animal and I under his control using the Wyrm. To be honest, I don't really have much memory of what happened while I was under control, though I was told later that I helped restrain Abeke during the final battle for Erdas. (Sorry Abeke)

After I was freed from the Wyrm's control, I awoke to discover that lots of Greencloaks, former Great Beast summoners, and strange half-animal people in red cloaks were all clustered around a large pool of lava, where I learned later the Wyrm was killed. After I was reunited with Gerathon (and thank Tellun for that), the Greencloaks who were there offered to take me to Greenhaven to see if I could find a place to stay. Of course I immediently refused, but after looking around at my surroundings, and seeing that there wasn't very many places for me to go, and of course all the hostile glares from the half-animal people and the Great Beast summoners, I reluctantly agreed.

I learned later the the three Greencloaks who offered to take me were a newer Greencloak Angelica, who had summoned a Golden Reteiver named Finnagon, a more older Greencloak named Elone who had summoned a finch named Carlo (who kept giving me dirty looks all the time, what was that about?), and a newer Greencloak named Evelyn who had summoned a jackal named Hysol. They helped supply me food, water, and a room on the ship the Greencloaks used to get back to Greenhaven. Once there, they checked in with Olvan to get me a room there, and he agreed despite my past.

Once they made sure I was comfortable they left me to myself, and, even though I still wasn't ok friendly with the Greencloaks as a whole, I had to admit that the ones who had helped me were good people. After a few days, I settled in, and after a month I was introduced to some of the other Greencloaks, including the Four Fallen and thier summoners, and later, the Redcloaks.

The following paragraphs below roughly explain my relationships with some of the others I met during the time when I was still getting used to living in Greenhaven;

Shadow: This intriguing... person..? -was one I met shortly after I was introduced to most of the Greencloaks at Greenhaven, and, surprisingly, we got along well. She's a very well-rounded person for her former alliance, and we kinda sorta maybe possibly started stealing other people's green cloaks... Meilin is gonna be so mad... Anyway, she's a really funny person, strong and indecent, and real fun person to be around. So it caught me off guard when I heard she actually got married to Worthy... Four times...

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