Prince of Eden

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Hi, I hope you enjoy reading this. I wrote this on a whim in the middle of the night, straight after crying for ages at the end of EOTE's movie 2: Paradise Lost. Why no SakiXAkira? So I wrote this little oneshot. :) Enjoy and vote/comment.


Eleven days. That was all we were given together. Eleven days in which we met, in which Takizawa went through hell and back, and still walked out with a smile, in which he instigated the healing of our entire country. And he disappeared, faded into nothing, just as he wanted. Only, I didn’t want that. I was so certain that I had picked up the prince I had been looking for. Nobody would ever match up to him, ever, and it was my dearest wish that he stayed with us, with the Eden of the East crew, with me. Instead, he chose to run, with the promise that he would return one day. He looked so sincere, his eyes were so genuine, and yet…

None of us had seen or heard from Takizawa in over a year.

Surely we would have caught even a whisper of where he was, got a glimpse of his jet black hair in the streets? Every time I heard ‘Akira’ or anything beginning with ‘Taki-‘, my heart would begin pounding and I would suddenly be filled with sadness and a longing for him. I had returned to New York several times, to ground zero, the White House, his apartment, and there was no sign of him. I was beginning to lose that desperate hope of seeing his face again; that last kiss I gave him felt more like a goodbye than anything.

I woke up on yet another overcast autumn day. I was a part of the many thousands of proactive NEETs, living in and working from a special building, still maintained by the massive flea market just outside. On the surface it looked as if not a lot had changed these past twelve months or so, but I could feel it in the air- Takizawa had done good, and he was still out there, working hard to make this world a better place to live in. I just wished he would return, and I always prayed that he was safe.

“Saki! You’re up!”

I yawned and looked over with bleary eyes to see a figure standing tall over me.

“Sis?” I blinked. “What time is it?”

“It’s after noon. Are you going to lay in bed all day like a real NEET or are you going to get a move on? This country won’t fix itself!” she said in a mockingly stern tone.

“After noon?!”

In a panic, I threw off the covers and changed into some day clothes that were scattered on the floor. None of it matched and my hair was now a complete shambles, but I was in such a rush that caring about this seemed to have flown out the window. Sis watched on in amusement as I ran a toothbrush through my mouth and splashed water in my face to wake me up properly.

“What time was I supposed to be at the meeting?”

“Ten. But don’t worry, a lot of people miss meetings. We’re still good for nothings, you know!”

“Ten?! Wait- why aren’t you there, Sis?”

“There was something else that needed my attention. Now hurry, Saki sweetie. Don’t want to be any later than you already are!”

I nodded and bolted out the door. I was still up top in terms of hierarchy. Hirasawa had somehow managed to pull some strings and get us Eden of the East crew right into the main focus. We sort of had to drop the name- the terrorist accusations were way too out of hand to deal with- but we were now the main team for a communications project. This meant a large department with lots of progress meetings, and I was still awful at getting up for them!

It wasn’t exactly an official meet up, being in a local café, but I still considered these things to be valuable. I got several questioning glances from other NEETs and from members of the public as I ran through the streets dressed like a freak. I shook my head and kept on running, my skirt rippling rapidly in the wind.

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