Chapter 27: Secret Revealed

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I'm writting this at nighttime and I'm really tired. So sorry of the grammar is bad or shiz like that. I'll edit this tomorrow


Your friendship with Ynna has become stronger since the day you went with her to the cemetery. But secretly, you DID enjoy seeing Chloe's grave but you did pity her. She doesn't deserve to die in that kind of way, Chloe needs to die in a more not so gorey way. You didn't forgive her yet, just not yet, until you're done with Tadashi.

You kept walking to the Lucky Cat Cafe, feeling a little bored to always be in the home and do nothing. You still haven't got a call or a letter from SFIT, making you anxious. You halted, you took a quick peek on the glass window and saw Hiro hanging out with Sarah on a table, and Tadashi, practically glaring at them with disapproval.

You frowned at that, Hiro was right all along, Tadashi didn't want him having any relationship with any girl until he graduated. Especially some girl who tried to kill him in a bot fight. Tadashi wants Hiro to finish his studies first and not the all relationship thingy.

You decided not to mess with Hiro this time, you don't want his relationship with Sarah break. Hiro never been so happy when he saw Sarah. Sure, he was happy with hanging out with you, Tadashi and the gang but after the fight with his brother, everything seemed to fall apart. The gang kept themselves busy, Tadashi stayed busy in the cafe or hanging out with you while Hiro hung out with Sarah. And all that happened because of your grudge towards the elder Hamada.

I messed their lives good

Then, the memory of the girl's grave Tadashi visited at a few days ago, quickly popped up into your mind. The thought itself made you frown deeper. You sat on the table outside, silently watching Tadashi and Hiro from outside the cafe. You glanced at Hiro and Sarah, they were talking with each other, making you smile. They did a very good job on acting as friends but sooner or later, Tadashi will know about their secretly relationship. You turned back to the elder Hamada.

He was at the counter, crossed arms and staring at Sarah, as if he didn't aprrove of her hanging out with his brother. With a sigh, you took out your phone and texted Tadashi. You can always walk in the cafe but seeing that Tadashi was in a foul mood, made you turn back to your evil self. You turned your head to Tadashi and saw him taking out his phone and reading the message you sent him.


Tadashi, I'm outside the cafe, come here

Your eyes then locked with Tadashi's and that was the time your whole face burned bright red. For a few moments, you only stared at each other before gesturing for him to come out. He nodded and obeyed your command, slightly glaring at the two teens as he passes by them.

You heard the familiar jingle of the door from the cafe signaling anyone that comes out or comes in the Lucky Cat Cafe. You soon saw Tadashi, making his way towards you, an apron still tied up on his waist. You held your laughter from the sight of him wearing an apron, especially it was pink.

"How's work? You having fun there inside?" you teased slightly, giggling. Tadashi playfully rolls his eyes at your little innocent insult. "Not really, if it means watching Hiro with that girl he's with is fun, believe me, it's one of the most annoying things ever." Tadashi commented, turning hi head slightly to check on Hiro and Sarah.

"Oh c'mon Tadashi, Hiro is growing up and sooner or later, he needs to find a girlfriend. He can't always stick with you and aunt Cass, right?" you stated, shrugging a little from your statement. Tadashi sighs a little, "I know, I know but I always have been like a father to Hiro ever since my parents died. I have been his fatherly figure. I just want the best for him, you do know how it feels, right?"

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