A Step in the Right Direction

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    All sense of time was thrown out the window as soon as I was hauled onto the boat that I once deemed so beautiful. It became my hell on earth. I was tossed below deck, locked down. The only person that would come down on occasion was the short haired woman with black gloves and even then, she would come down, check on my wounds, give me scraps of food, then leave without a word spoken. I craved interaction, the sharing of thoughts and words. With the hours I had to myself, I was trapped in my own mind.

    My brain refused to let me forget the searing pain of what I had done. The barrage of painful questions left my heart bleeding.

    What would have happened if I wasn't pulled away?

    Why did he hold onto me instead of throwing me down?

    Him killing me would have been better than this. At least if I was dead, I wouldn't have to deal with the deafening silence and the blistering guilt following this fate.

    Laying down on my side, curled into the fetal position, I stared ahead of me at the walls of the ship. The only sound left to comfort me was the seawater lapping against the side of the rocking ship as it guided the large vessel onwards. The salty air was stale down here, I wish I could go outside again.

    I couldn't stop cursing myself for everything. If I had just listened, none of this would have happened. I would still be home with my friends, my family. I'd still be able to practice singing with Kaede, have long conversations with Korekiyo...

Kiyo, this would be a fun story to tell him about. We shared the same fascination with humans, him a little moreso. We would always go hunting for human things and watch people from afar before meeting back up and discussing.

There was one time, a few months ago, we had found a thin chain with a golden trinket on the end. We were wondering what the heck it was and what the humans used it for. He had the brilliant idea of pushing down on the knob that rested on top of it, causing the contraption to pop open, effectively making me jump. The inside was just as exciting as the outside. It was a white plate of sorts with various black markings around the perimeter of it, there were two long black sticks that twitched and moved along the surface. One moved very fast, the other very slow. On the inside of the golden lid that covered the object, there was a picture of a pretty lady. It had been damaged greatly due to the water, but you could still clearly see how attractive she was. She had on a short sleeved dress, the opening of the sleeves were frilly and the bodice hung around her form comfortably. Her hair reached almost to her shoulders and it was wavy. She had a few distinct markings on her face and neck, freckles, I remembered.

We debated over the identity of the girl. It was clearly someone of importance to the owner, why else would they have her picture. Was she family to the owner of the contraption? Perhaps a lover? Korekiyo brought up the possibility of a mistress due to the secrecy of the photo, how tucked away it was. 

That brought up a whole new discussion on the topic of mistresses. I never understood the appeal in them. Wouldn't having one only hurt your original lover? Maybe that was the appeal. The dark haired male believed this to be one of humanity's greatest flaws. The human men in particular are often overcome by their lust and greed, to the point where they no longer care if their actions harm others. I'd have to agree with him.

He however, was able to find beauty in all of humanity, even the bad parts of it, that was something that always amazed me. I couldn't do the same, seeing the pain humans love inflicting on one another. How was that beautiful?

The memory left a bittersweet taste in my mouth. I would miss our late night conversations together, babbling on and on about the human world. He was the only one who was interested in human nature like myself. 

A Siren's Song (Amamiibo)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin