17 Cam's First Debut

Start from the beginning

Her heartbeat sped up as her phone started ringing. She shakily accepted it.

"Hello?" Cam asked, putting the phone to her ear.

"Cam, I'm streaming!" He yelled, assuring her that she was on camera.

She rolled her eyes. He was going off script. "What do you want?"

"Do you think I smell?"


"YOURE STUPID YOU HAVENT EVEN SMELLED ME FUCK YOU BI-" He ran a hand threw his hair to calm him from his tangent. Cam just laughed.

"What's so funny, you twat?"

"You get angry so easily." She giggled.

"It's because I'm an aries." He responded, dragging out the 's' at the end.

Cam's laughter ceased. "You know about zodiac signs?"

"Wait am I actually an aries?" He shrilled, looking wide-eyed at the camera. "I was just making fun of people."

"Yes, you're an aries, Tommy." Cam scoffed.

"Oh my god woman, you're distracting me from my point." He sighed. "Do you actually think I smell?"

"Well I don't know. I haven't smelt you." She replied with an awkward laugh.

Oh god, where is he going with this?

"Well what do you think I smell like?"

Oh. That's where he's going with this.

"Hmm, I don't know. Let me check."

She played along with the bit.

Putting on the mask, she took a silent deep breath and left her room.

Most anxiety-inducing thing I've ever done, that's for sure. She thought to herself.

Tommy gave a mischievous smile to the camera as he heard her footsteps approaching the door.

The door slowly opened and Cam walked in, phone in hand. A ringing sound emitted into the air from their phones being too close and that's when Tommy hung up and spun his chair around to face her.

Heart beating fast, Cam approached Tommy.

"You smell like cologne." She announced.

Tommy smirked at her and gave a nod. He spun back around and looked into the camera.

"And there's your answer, chat."

And with that, the stream ended.

Cam ripped off the mask and threw it aside, a look of absolute adrenaline rush on her face.

"Holy shit!" She yelled as Tommy stood up from his chair.

"We did it!" Tommy squealed.

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