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I sat at the back of the room and a girl came to me. "May I sit here?" she asked gesturing to the seat beside me, and I nodded. When she sat, I saw him and quickly averted my eyes, but not before she noticed. I slid back in my sit, so she would block me from his view. "That's Adrien! He's nice but extremely powerful and apparently he belongs to my sister!" That stung a little, but the girl did not know what was up. "I'm Bloom by the way." she said cheerfully and held out her hand "I'm Eva." I replied and shook her hand before glancing at Adrien. At that moment, the guidance counselor came onstage. "Good afternoon students! I hope you've all settled down for another session at this prestigious school for the supernatural, Nova high!" we all clapped. "I would like to call on the principal, a very powerful siren and nymph, Miss Daphne Sylvie!" Everyone erupted into cheers as a tall, gorgeous woman with long silver hair walked fluidly to the podium and many of the freshmen and transfer students gawked at her, I did not. She began to speak with a musical enthralling voice. "We are all different and must learn to accept one another! You are here to learn coexistence, the acceptance of the human part of you, and the history of all creatures. You will also learn the mundane subjects and train on control over your abilities and how to fight." we all clapped, and she left as a girl, the valedictorian of the last set gave her farewell speech with so much self-absorbance that I could have thrown up. She concluded saying "As a northern vampire, I swear to remain an outstanding role model in the human and supernatural world regardless of their bad behavior!" There was a weak applause, and I hid a smirk when I caught Clara rolling her eyes, she smiled at me slightly.

"Bloom who's your sister?" I asked observing a pretty redhead approaching Adrien "Only the most obnoxious fire and water elemental I know! Her fire and water powers are lightning and storms because of the combo!" she spoke with an awe-stricken expression on her face. I watched the redhead who had distinctive blue eyes lean against Adrien clinging to him and giggling. Bloom looked and saw where I was looking "That's her, her name is Starfire... the blonde guy is Kovu, and his sister is Clara!" said Bloom cheerfully and frankly I was getting tired of her but did not want to say it. "I know Clara... She's my roommate" I replied, and she opened and shut her mouth before swallowing hard "I should probably go!" she said and slipped away. I felt confused but was glad to be rid of her. The orientation soon ended, and all new students were to wait behind.

We were taken on a tour of the school by the principal and a teacher, a Mr. William Price, I think. Soon, we arrived at the school field which was extremely large. There was a forest beside it, and I felt a little drowsy looking at it. I focused on the conversation "That is the forest of wood-wives, a private joke..." Miss Sylvie giggled but I didn't see the joke, it sounded more like an insult. "The dryads live here, and it is houses one of the links the elves use to enter this realm. They will be arriving in about two months." I watched her carefully as she said this, and she looked overly excited "The elves who have come of age and probably the princes will be included this time they come here with a powerful soldier as well for some reasons otherwise known to them." I had a sneaking suspicion on what she was hinting at and looking to the forest, I could feel all my hairs stand on one end. It was a warning that whatever she meant was somehow related to me. I got to my room feeling out of it and changed into my pajamas and fell asleep as soon as I got into bed.

**************(Clara's POV)

I was not sure about Eva but the way she went to bed was too abnormal for a dark fae. They lived in the night, like the demons they were born of. I tapped her and she only replied with mumblings about gaining strength for power birth. I stared at her for a bit, she was too different from the dark fae, more human but I knew she was not she had way too much power over her mind. I ran to the library and going at full speed, I went to the section for advanced student for anything related to light fae. I felt like I was going too far searching for it, but the title somehow settled well for Eva. At last, I found what I was looking for. 'The Convolutedness of the Fae' I sped up to my hideout and after closing the hidden door, I sat down and began to read. I glanced through the table of contents and saw the coming into power of light fae.

"The fae come into power at the age of seventeen. Simply put, it is the birth of their power as it is sealed into their very core by the life force of their mothers. Therefore, they must remain pure before that age. It is recorded that their human-light fae hybrids are not fully bound to their laws and may have more freedom with their powers and with their intimacy. Their powers can be gained earlier than seventeen, although they are less likely to have wings.

Though it scarcely happens, the most powerful of their kind gain their power long after their coming of age. About a week before their seventeenth birthdays, they begin a bond with the core of life which as stated earlier falls from an unknown source some fae believe to be angel tears. The process of their connection to the power source causes high fatigue and extreme weakness, like a dying mortal. "

I flipped a few pages forward and saw a part on the fae elf relationship.

"It is well known among the fae that they are descendants of angels and the children of Gaia (Mortals with power to call on nature, but not elementals). This apparently makes them distant relatives to the Nephilim. It is also known that elves are star-born, that is descendants of stars, meaning they live for thousands of years. The stars and angels are bonded, so only the most powerful fae and elves are bonded as mates by fate. The mates are discovered when they come of age, 99 for elves which is nineteen if translated to mortal years and seventeen for the elves."

I slammed the book shut and tapped into my blood bond which opened a secret case in the floor where I hid my first kill. I placed the book in and closed it before leaving.

Well, that's todays update. Vote and comment!

Thanks for reading!

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