Chapter 7: When extremes meet

Start from the beginning

"Nice offer but I'm not planning on staying for that long. As soon as I convinced Tarrlok to come with me I'll take my leave." I said. Bolin was nice. Nicer than Korra. He reminded me of Sokka.

"What's so funny?" Korra asked as she looked at me as I chuckled a little to myself at all the funny remarks Sokka would have made at my remark and all the snarky commands my dear daughter Toph would have made.

"Just an old memory of mine." I said, at first wanting to tell her Bolin reminded me a little off sokka, but i decided against it, knowing she wouldn't like it.

"What kind of memory? Was it a nice one? Was I in it?" Ikki asked without taking any pauses.

"Yes it was a nice memory. No, you weren't in it. I don't want to say any more about it." I said as we arrived at the main plaza. I saw Jinora eye me worriedly as I said this, which I answered with a small smile mouthing to her that I would tell her later. As ikki gave a grand tour off the island in the fast talking way she always did, which made me smile a little.

"And now for the grand tour!" Ikki beamed as she got before us, "The flying bison sleep in those caves down there, and that's the temple Grandpa Aang built and that's the greenhouse where we grow the vegetables we eat!" Ikki said in a rapid tempo as she pointed the things out she told about them.

"I have a couple questions." Bolin said as he put his hand on his chin in a pondering way. "Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you train airbending? Do we have to wear Air Acolyte clothes? Do we each get our own sky bison? And final question, how many trees are on this island?" Bolin asked just as rapidly, which made me smirk, Bolin was good at talking fast as well.

"Yes, yes, no, no, ten thousand five hundred and fifty-two." Ikki answered fastly with a smile on her face, which made us all look at her, dumbfounded. I had absolutely no clue how she managed to count all the trees on the island.

"She might as well have read it in a book somewhere or Aang told her before he passed away. I'll be sure to ask later on." I smiled as Mako asked a little awkwardly were they were going to stay.

"You're a boy, boys have to stay on the boys' side." Meelo said as he pointed to the side of the temple were the men slept.

"I'd be happy to show you to the men's dormitory." Jinora smiled as she turned to face Mako, who nodded and smiled as he and Bolin walked after Jinora.

"I'm a man!" Bolin called smiling as he took his bag and tagged after Jinora and Mako.

"Meelo, why don't you go with them too?" Korra said as she looked at Meelo with a small smile.

"We shall meet again soon, beautiful woman" Meelo smiled at Asami as he backed away from her with his hand raised in the air as a last greeting before he ran after Jinora and the boys.

"Femke, Ikki and I will take you to your room, this way." Korra said as she gave me a glare, at which I just shrugged, pretending not to understand the 'Go away" sign she gave me as I followed them.

"Asami, did you know Korra likes Mako?" Ikki asked out of nowhere which made that Korra looked at her with shock.

"In the way of just being friends. I mean, you're Mako's girlfriend and all that." I quickly said, trying to help Korra.

"No. She meant, like, for real." Ikki said as she gave me a firm look which made me chuckle since this was the first time I saw Ikki this serious. But this also immediately made Asami know I had been lying.

"Oh, uh, no. I wasn't aware of that." Asami said as she looked from a awkward looking Korra to a smiling Ikki. Before Ikki could tell Asami any more details, Korra grabbed Asami by her elbow and pulled her into the room that was now hers, slamming the door shut before Ikki could get in. I managed to duck in just before she slammed the door shut, getting myself in a shadowy corner as I watched Korra.

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