Chapter 6: The Peacekeeper

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'That's just great. Those cheaters won. Now they will never leave Korra and her crew alone.' I thought as I watched the three of them make an extra round threw the area, making me huff in annoyance.

"Showoffs." I muttered as Thano proudly proclaimed.

"I barely broke a sweat. Anybody else want to scrap with the champs? " As he raised his hand in the air, making many people cheer for them. As everyone did so, I saw a few benches before me someone put up a mask, knowing what this meant I got up from seat and carefully made my way to the place Tenzin and Lin were standing, just as one of the Equalists popped up behind them.

"Tenzin! Lin! Watch out behind you!"I called as I made an earth wall between Lin and the equalist, dropping them to the ground.

"Thanks." Tenzin muttered as he looked at me shocked, as I fought a few more Equalists as I heard Amon's speech in the background, which gave me the shivers.

"I believe I have your attention, benders of Republic City." Amon said as I managed to finally fend off the last Equalists and went to the front railing that separated the stadium from the water and the arena, a chill running down my spine as I looked at Amon.

"So once again, the Wolfbats are your Pro Bending champions. It seems fitting that you celebrate three bullies who cheated their way to victory." Amon said as he pointed to the audience. "Because every day you threaten and abuse your fellow non-bending Citizens just like the Wolfbats did to their opponents tonight." He said as he pointed at the Wolfbats climbing out of the water below the stadium looking battered.

"Those men were supposedly the best in the Bending world and yet it only took a few moments for me to cleanse them of their impurity. Let this be a warning to all of you benders out there; if any of you stand in my way, you will meet the same fate." Amon said, which made another chill go down my spine

"Now, to my followers, for years the Equalists have been forced to hide in the shadows but now, we have the numbers and the strength to create a new Republic City! I'm happy to tell you the time for change has finally come." Amon said as he looked at the audience, and in particular to the people who followed him "Very soon the current tyrannical bending regime will be replaced by fair minded Equalist government. You and your children will no longer need to walk afraid." Amon said as I looked around with a frightened look in my eyes.

'Where is korra? We need you, Avatar Korra.' I thought as I looked around with a panicking look, smiling when I spotted her below the area with Mako and Bolin.

"It's time to take back our city. For centuries, benders possessed an unnatural advantage over ordinary people. But thankfully, modern technology has provided us with a way to even out the playing field. Now anyone can hold the power of a Chi blocker in their hand. My followers and I will not rest until the entire city achieves equality. And once that goal is achieved, we will equalize the rest of the world. The revolution has begun!" Amon said as he raised his fist in the air, I looked at him, shocked, before I quickly made my choice, using my bending to swoop myself on the stage as well, I took a gulp before I approached Amon.

"Amon." I said firmly just as the Equalist leader wanted to step on the lift that would get him out of here. "My name is Femke, Fairy Princess of Scheffield. I want to speak to you." I said loudly, so everyone could hear it. Amon just inclined his head.

"That's a lot of names for someone like you. Especially since that sort of magic doesn't exist." Amon said firmly as he looked at me, which still made me shudder on the inside, while on the outside I was trying to keep calm in order for this to work.

"It does, since I am here and I want to talk to you." I said, sounding more confident then I felt "You claim to be the hero of the non bender revolution but all you have done is create a war between the benders and the non benders without even considering a peaceful way." I said calmly as I looked around.

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