Part 2: Who is Rose?

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I scoop Rose up into my arms and take her onto the Quinjet without speaking a word to the others. I couldn't, my mind is in a state of utter shock. How is Rose the asset we have been looking for? My eyes remained on her unconscious body for the entire flight back. Everyone and everything seemed to disappear, it was just me and her. No one questioned me, which I'm thankful for as I'm in no mood to give any answers. As we reach the compound, the others started to head into the compound. But I couldn't move, I was glued in place. Arms wrapped around Rose's body, snapping me out of my trance, making me shoot to my feet. "Woah Buck, calm down." Steve said as he continued to pick her up, "I'm just going to take her inside." I simply nodded my head in response as he took her into the compound. My feet were locked in place as a million thoughts ran through my head.
Finally I managed to make my way into the compound and join everyone else. I'm met with many puzzled faces. I don't even have an explanation for them right now, all I can think about is her. Wait where is she? I scan the room but I don't see her or Steve. "She is downstairs in the cell." Tony informed me, seeming to read my mind.
Without another word I just made my way down to her. I see her immediately, laying peacefully on the bed inside the cell. Steve is stood just outside of the cell looking at me, but I barely even acknowledge him. I'm too focused on Rose. "How do you know her Buck?" he questions.

It takes me a minute to gather my thoughts before taking a deep breathe and looking to the floor, "Even with my memories back, I still don't remember much about the time I spent at Hydra when I first got there. But I could never forget her." I don't know when it happened but the others had joined us downstairs. They all exchanged a questioning glance at one another as I continued. "She was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes after being taken. In that moment I thought that maybe everything was going to be ok but of course I was wrong. During my first few months in Hydra, she was my nurse. After every small test they performed, she always came to check up on me afterwards. She was my only fraction of peace in that place. She would visit me everyday, each day she hated that she couldn't help me. But one day something changed" I paused taking a deep breath, "She came rushing into my room right before I was supposed to be prepped for the serum injection. She quickly began to untie me from the chair and told me once she was done that I had to run." I drops my head recalling the memory, "But she wasn't quick enough." I don't know if I can continue, but I know the team needs to hear it. I let out a sigh and rub my hands over my face, "Before she could undo the last strap keeping my hand down the soldiers came running into the room and grabbed her." I can feel the tears forming in my eyes, "They dragged her away, and I couldn't do anything to help her. The last thing that I heard right as they were about to inject me with the serum was her scream." I turn to Steve, "I really thought that they killed her Steve".

"It wasn't your fault Buck" he tells me. I can't help but blame myself though, I should have saved her.
"If she was there this whole time I can't imagine what she has went through, or how she is even still alive" I tell them. I can't even begin to imagine the horrible things they may have done to her.

"If she was at hydra, then maybe she is like you" Bruce says as if something just clicked in his head. He is right though, she might be like me. I hope with all of my heart she isn't. If she is then that means she suffered just how I did, and I did nothing to help her.

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