#2 Tubboinnit

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Art By: Olivia Ruiz on Pinterest

Happy 17th birthday Tommy! And before y'all come at me with the whole "That's illegal!" Crud, read;

Get dunked on!And if you just don't like anything sexual or sexual related please skip this chapter and don't read

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Get dunked on!
And if you just don't like anything sexual or sexual related please skip this chapter and don't read. Also, i don't think I'll make full on smut, maybe just some highly implied smut and a lot of lime.


~°•Tommy's POV•°~

It was my birthday and Phil had helped me organise a party for it! I was so excited!


*×Chem Skip×* = Few Hours Later

My party had started and everyone had arrived, even the dream team came!

I was looking around for Tubbo, but i couldn't find him anywhere.

Did he not come?

No! I can't think like that! Tubbo is my bestest friend. He's never forgotten my birthday ever! He's probably just late...


*×Chemmie Skip×* = Few Hours Later

It had been a while and all the guests had arrived, Tubbo was still no where to be seen, i was starting to get worried...

I think Phil noticed my upset attitude.

"Hey kiddo, what's the problem, not enjoying your party?" Phil asked me.

"No it's not that, I'm loving my party so far. It's just that...Tubbo still isn't here yet" i said sadly as i looked down at my hands on my lap as i sat on a chair near the door.

Phil looked around a bit before looking back at me with a small smile "Well Glatt and Ghostbur still aren't here so Wil is probably with Glatt and Tubbo will probably come with his father"

I looked up at Phil as i processed what he suggested and then i gave him a big smile "that makes sense!"

Phil chuckled at my immediate positive reaction "well then stop being so mopey and go enjoy your party!"

"Yes sir!" I exclaimed as i shot up and disappeared into the crowd.


*×Chemmie Skip×* = Few Minutes Later

I was talking with Deo about something until i spotted Phil helping Ghostbur and Glatt carry an ENORMOUS birthday present to the table with the other gifts.

I excitedly ran over to them.

"Is that for me!" I exclaimed as i practically jumped on my heels.

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