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*Billie's POV*

It was around 7:30am when I woke up way too early just to go to the beach in my opinion. We got to the beach house last night at around 4am and went straight to bed. I'm taking a break from fame this summer it's very needed it all became too much. Don't get me wrong I love my fans and making music so much but I just needed a break. So my friends and I decided that we were going to take a three month summer break trip to a beach house on Miami Beach.

 Finneas called ahead and they have a tent set up for us right across from the lifeguard tower. I'm not really excited for the beach I HATE the ocean. Sharks are terrifying. I wasn't planning on agreeing to coming to the beach but it was the only thing available on such short notice and I desperately needed a break. 

I get up go down to the kitchen and make pancakes for my friends and I because if we're being honest I'm the only one in the house who can cook. I set the plates up at the table and eat mine. After I finish I yelled for my friends. "LOSERS COME GET YOUR PANCAKES". 

"Why did you feel the need to yell this early in the morning bil?" Drew asked walking down the stairs and to the kitchen. "Because that's the only way to get you losers out of your beds without throwing you out of them." I said smiling and walking back up the stairs. "Also tell the others we're going to the beach." I yelled as I walked into my room to get ready.

I changed into a swimsuit, put sunscreen on, and got a bag ready. I filled it with a towel, sun glasses, a speaker for music, an aux cord, and lastly a charger for my phone. I don't plan on getting in the water but I'm sure I'll get thrown in at some point so I bring extra clothes as well. 

We all got ready,  got in the car and started driving to the beach. I'm really dreading this because I can't swim well and Gigi is already pressuring me to do it. "Gigi I love you. You're a great friend, but I'm not getting in that water. I can't swim and it absolutely terrifies me so just stop." I say getting tired of her asking me to get in the water. "Alright I'll get you in there some how." She says.

"Why are you so scared of the ocean anyways bil?" Fin asked me. "Because sharks?! Tsunamis?! I mean it's terrifying anything could happen! You could get stung by a jellyfish, you could drown!" I say explaining the basics of what I fear in the ocean. "All your thinking about is the negatives bil." Fin says reasoning with my explanation. "But that's all true, it's all things that could potentially happen!" I say still arguing the fact that the ocean is terrifying. "You can't worry about the things that could potentially happen if you do that you'll never get anywhere in life." Claudia says. 

"Fine if I agree to go in the water for 5 minutes with you guys will you stop talking about this?!" I ask aggravated. 

"Yes" they all say in unison.

We finally get to the beach and we walk into our tent. It has a table set up and snacks provided. I sit down in one of the chairs and set up the speaker to relax before I have to get into the ocean. "Alright bil come on." Drew says. "No I'm fine right here." I say sitting in the chair. "You said you would." She said holding my hand. "You'll be alright bil I promise." She says. "Fine." I say as I get up walking out of the tent.

I slowly walk into the ocean. 'D-Drew I can't do it.." I say getting scared as we go deeper in. "Hey hey your alright!" She says sensing the panic in my voice and grabbing my hand. As soon as she does the current rips me away from her. "Drew! I can't swim!" I scream as we get further apart from each other. "Hold on Billie I'm coming!" She screams trying to swim closer to me.

 "This is everything I'm afraid of this was a terrible idea why did I agree to this?! I'm going to die today.." that's all I can think as my head gets pushed under water by a wave knocking the air out of my lungs.

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