Epilogue- 5 YEARS AGO

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Little was known about Iman Toritar's past except that he used to be a Trainer at the Zonal and Geographical Research Organisation. He was what the Geonauts called 'strict with an air of hating mistakes.' Five years earlier, a training incident he was involved in forced him to quit. The Training Room was sealed off indefinitely and pronounced out-of-bounds to all unauthorized members. When the batch of 2015 A.M.C came along , the Room became a subject of gossip to the newly joined Trainees-

"Why was it sealed off?"

"Were they badly hurt?"

"When will they open it back up?"

Two of these Trainees seemed especially intrigued by the mysterious room. Terra and Aurelie had a shared interest in what lay beyond that electric barrier.

"It's locked. I can't believe it" grumbled Terra.

"To be fair, it does say 'Authorized people only'," said Aurelie, pointing to the flashing screen above the Telepad door.

"I hoped it would be easier to hack. They haven't updated this place since the Incident." She dug around until she found a small grey switchboard. No sooner had she put together the wires that connected to the lock when a deafening alarm blared across the building. A raspy voice announced, "CAUTION: FIRE. DO NOT USE THE TELEPADS". The girls sprinted across the hall and dove into the equipment room.

"Well, that was a disaster," Aurelie panted. "What were you thinking?!"

"I try not to think. It interferes with being completely nuts."

"I can't believe we're friends. Let's hide upstairs, or we'll be caught as the only ones down here."


Leia Archangel turned around in her seat. She grinned to herself and waved her heavily ringed fingers across the blank screen. A man with oily hair and an orange and blue zigzagged shirt appeared.

"I hope this is good news, Archangel," he said with a frown.

"The best," Leia said. "I have found the two Geonauts who would be perfect for the mission."

"Very well then, make sure that they're only getting the right kind of training. Do not tell them about the mission until they are of age. We need to make sure that they are completely unaware of what's coming."

"And when do you come into the plan?"

"When the sun shines in Pagonia."

"I know what I said."

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