Mr. Daniel shook his head. "I don't have other students because they are also participating. So, I don't-there she is!" He pointed behind me. I turned around and saw Ace walking towards us.

When she saw me, she was a little surprised. I smiled at her.

"Where have you been?" the teacher asked her. She didn't answer and just shrugged her shoulders.

Of course, like their Master, she got the same attitude.

"Hi President." She greeted me and ignored the teacher. Seriously, why they are picky about to who they'll greet and ignore?

The event started and the participants went to their seats. Ace is on the second row and playing her phone. I gave her a look and she hide it quickly.

The first round is easy. It's all about meanings and symbols. Ace is the first one to answer. Though, her handwriting is a little off but still readable.

The second round is all about formulas. There are terms and they have to answer it by what formula it has. The last question has two method and Ace wrote both of it without any mistakes. I can't believe she can remember those formulas.

Of course, the last round is solving problems. The time is one minute to solve for each problem and the teachers are watching closely to each student. I wanted to look to other direction but Ace really took my attention. She's calm while solving like there is no time limit.

The last problem requires a long and short method answer and the time is three minutes. All of the student looked at each other. I think the last one is really complicated.

But Ace really surprised me. Not only me but everyone watched her as she continue solving. The bell ring three times and she showed the answer to us and left the room without waiting for the results.


"I knew it! You won!" Kent continued teasing Ace. She doesn't want people asking about that. But of course, Kent has the nerve to annoy her.

Ace gave Kent a glare. "Stop it, Kenneth. I don't care if you expected it. Shut your mouth." She rolled her eyes.

I chuckled at that. It's classic for us to see the gang's genius attitude towards her friends.

"Because you won, maybe..." Kent switched to my side and sat next to me, placing an arm on my shoulder. "we can celebrate it, right, Master?"

"Use your own money, Kent."

"Aww! Damn, I thought Master would treat us. Ace won the competition so we should celebrate!"

Drake nodded. "That's right. Ace worked hard for that event."

Worked hard? Nah, I won't believe Ace reviewed for that. She's just born with mathematical skills.

"Yeah, yeah, Ace deserve that right?" It's Winter.

Oh no. I knew they're gonna make me feel my conscience.

"Stop it, eggnogs. Ace doesn't want to celebrate it. You guys are the only one who wants it." I rolled my eyes.

"I think we got the wrong Master." Kent whispered which made me glare at him. "Just kidding, Master."

I took out my wallet and pulled out some cash to them. I'm sure they'll buy some food and eat it in our hideout. I can imagine how messy the hideout will be.

"You guys celebrate. I'll go back to Sydney now."

I left them and walked back to the Student Council Office. Geez, I feel sorry for my girlfriend. She got a lot of work to do and I can't help her. Heck, I don't want to deal with those papers. Sometimes, I give her massage on to help her relax.

But that's not the problem. I knew she's having a hard time in taking care of Lynx. Our daughter is still trying to get used to her presence. I knew Lynx started to recognize her as her mom. It really takes time.

I pushed the door open and walked in. I don't need to knock because there are no other people here.

"You're still not finish?" I asked as I approached her. I took the seat on her left. She's still typing on her laptop. I packed her things already.

"Almost now. I'm just checking some of the documents."

Her phone on the table rings. It's a message. I read the number and it's unregistered.

"Babe, who's this?" I showed her phone.

She turned to me and took the phone away. I saw her face became annoyed when she read it and put it in her pocket.

"I'm finished. Let's go?" She closed her laptop and put in the bag. She handed it to me. Of course, I'm her carrier. I'm not complaining though. It's just she got many things and she bring them everyday. They have their own lockers here but she doesn't leave her things, especially if it's personal belongings.

We're walking down the hallway. My arm wrapped around her shoulders while the other is holding her bag. It made me remember the old times. I would pick her up late and wait for her. She's been doing this for years even when we were still dating. Well, we are dating, the only difference is we have our own kid now.


Today is Sunday and Sydney told me she wanted to bring Lynx to her parents to meet her. I wanted to go there but Dad told me to see in his office. So, I didn't. Besides, I don't want to seethe same person who I wanted to punch on the face. Tsk.

"Zylan, you two are together again. When will you tell her?" Dad asked.

He brought the same topic again. I don't want to discuss it but I knew I have to let Sydney know about it. I'm just waiting for the right time.

"I don't want to pressure you but it's better you'll tell her before anything happens."

Damn, I need more time.

Here's another update after a long time. Thank you for reading!

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