A Heart Not Meant to be Broken

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"All set?"Becky asked walking in Lizzie's room looking very sophisticated. After all, she was a designer.

"Whoa, what's with the get-up? You look so formal," Lizzie said frowning. She stared down at her poor excuse of a dress. "I look so teen," she said tugging at her blue sundress. She felt so exposed, because the dress only reached up to mid-thigh. She couldn't remember how she had let Becky and Sally talk her into wearing something as short as this. And it was freezing cold outside.

"So? You are , a teen," Becky answered grinning.

"Oh, how funny," Lizzie said faking a laugh. "All right, I'm all set," she said following Becky outside. Lizzie closed the door behind her and when she looked up, she stopped breathing. Jordan was pacing around the hallway, hands in his pocket. He looked absolutely gorgeous, in a gray button-down polo, which was long-sleeved, and black pants. Lizzie just stood there staring at him, as if seeing him for the first time.

In a way she was, because she'd never seen Jordan in anything that was formal, or semi-formal. All she saw him wearing before was jeans and a t-shirt. Not that he didn't look good then, because he did look gorgeous even though he was wearing just that. And now, Lizzie thought of him as sexy.

Whoa, whoa, Lizzie thought suddenly, freezing on her spot, where'd that thought come from?

Jordan looked up, as if sensing her gaze and their eyes met, and held for a moment. Lizzie was having a hard time breathing, feeling very self-conscious in her very short dress. Without thinking, her hand flew to her necklace, playing with it the way she would when she was nervous.

"Coming?" Becky asked smirking. She had seen everything.

Lizzie tore her gaze off Jordan. "Yeah," she mumbled blushing.

Lizzie followed her sister outside, willing herself not to look back at Jordan. She wondered if he was still looking at her, following her with his gaze. She shook the thought away. She'd had enough wishful thinking this Christmas season.

Becky was driving. Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Ridge, Spencer's mom, were also going with them. The ride to the club, which Lizzie didn't know the name of, was particularly all about Sally, Spencer, Sally, Spencer and a little about the wedding. Lizzie thought her ears would explode. Finally they arrived at the club. It was like a big convention. Everybody was hugging everybody else. Lizzie simply sat down on one of the chairs and pretended that she was busy. She didn't do much except eat, eat, and eat.

Sally, Becky, Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Warren and all the other guest who were mostly Sally's friends would eat a little then talk more about the wedding or their own weddings and marriages. Everybody just gushed over Sally's ring. Lizzie had decided she'd go home and spend a quiet evening alone but just as she was about to ask her sister for the car keys, the talk suddenly turned to her.

"So Lizzie, have you found the love of your life?" Suzanne asked smiling. "I mean, everyone in your family is practically happily in love. What about you?"

Becky and Sally both laughed.

Lizzie smiled weakly. Everyone was looking at her waiting for an answer. "I don't think so," she mumbled shrugging. She knew something like this was bound to happen. The attention would soon turn to her and now, when everyone was looking at her, she felt her face go red.

"Not yet," Becky said wiggling her eyebrows.

Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Whatever." As far as she was concerned, she will never find the love of her life. She didn't even know how she was going to find him, or how she would know that he was actually him. Her thoughts drifted to Jordan and she wondered how he was doing. He probably fit in well with his brother and Spencer, and her brothers. She didn't doubt the fact that Jordan dated a lot, and had more than once already fallen in love.

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