Letters from a Friend

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Dear Orchid,

I hope my letter actually finds you this time, Sorry about losing your package! The damned Swedish Post gets worse and worse every day, but I managed to gather most of what I had for you. Hope you like Quartz! I even found the pink ones you talked about, I've never been one for the color, but I figured girls liked that sort of thing.
You'll be so excited to hear, I sent my tape to a band in Norway! Hell yeah! If all goes well, I'll be headed there within the month! I hope I can finally meet you when you're at the college! You mentioned wanting to go hunting for mushrooms. Well, I don't care much for mushrooms, but I don't mind going for a walk in the woods, you always need more bones for your magic, right?
I'm sorry I haven't been able to read much of your story you sent me, but what I have read is great! It's gonna get more bloody soon right? You did say this was horror, you haven't gone soft on me have you? Hahaha.
Sorry I have to cut you short, My friend, I have a lot of practice to do if I'm going to impress the guys from Mayhem. Wish me luck! Maybe do one of your spells? I've surely sent you enough bones!
Talk to you soon!

Oh, not to worry. Your package got to me. I just had to spend a good hour at the Post Office trying to convince them that a rat got in the flowers. The smell was so bad, one lady passed out! I figured you'd love that little detail, haha.
My grandmother says thank you, she's going to be okay, Thankfully I was able to get to the pharmacy for her medicine. She thought it was lovely of you to send me flowers...even if they did die in the post. I didn't have the heart to tell her what they were for, but with the excess I'll be putting a few more in my flower crown, because these are just gorgeous! How did you know they were my favorites?! She thinks you're such a sweet young man, and wonders when you were gonna ask me for my hand. Ha!
I'm so happy to hear about your new band! I've never heard of them, but up here in Denmark, we hear the news about, what, five years later? Doesn't matter, soon I'll be in Norway, kickin' it with you and my new college buddies! I know they'll love you, you're so talented, and you have a sound that's all your own! They'd be crazy to reject you!
Look at me, prattling on. Best not forget me when you're a big rock star. I've already cast my spell for you with the bones you sent, had to use my own blood though. Take care, my friend, I'll be seeing you soon!

Don't forget to write!

Important Notice: Please Read!
Due to an unfortunate infestation of vermin at our main Denmark office, All Packages have been delayed two weeks.
We are working tirelessly to find the source of the issue and put a stop to it. We here at Post Nord always have the needs of our customers as top priority, we thank you for your patience and wish you a lovely day.

You fucking dumbass,

Good job, you moron, you started the plague. I'm not gonna lie, I laughed a good bit when I got the notice, I don't know if you did, but the packages got delayed due to a mysterious vermin infestation, Hmm, who could have caused that one? Surely not the guy sending dead mice through the mail! Damn dude, there's no way you don't have parasites.
I'm just playing with you, Pelle. I thought it was hilarious, I wish I was as bold. Truth be told, I'm afraid you're gonna be bored with me, my idea of a good time is climbing trees and scaring the townsfolk. They seem antsy ever since I made my hood, but how else will I keep the sun out of my eyes! If I have time, I'll make you one too!
Did you hear back from your new band yet? I'll be leaving for Norway in a couple days, and I know you're really busy, but I hope I get your letter before I go. I told you my college's address right? Don't forget, okay?

No more Mice,


Good. Let them get the plague, most interesting thing I've done in a while.
On a lighter note though, Guess who's coming to Norway! You don't have to worry a bit, I always like scaring the people in town. One woman here actually ran away from me as I was shopping! It was awesome!
I haven't spoken to the members much, just the leader, actually. He seems okay, a little abrasive, I'd like you to meet them if you could! Do you think we could meet up near your college? Maybe the venue we play at? I'll work it out. Enclosed is my new address, don't lose it! I can't wait to see you in the flesh, maybe give you the plague too, who knows?

The Plague Bearer,


(Author's Note!
If you made it this far, you may have noticed I am trying so hard to give him a little more...pep. He was in the movie for what, 30 minutes? Had to put in something! Happy Reading!)

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