Chapter 25 - Rum Runner, Again

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The bartender hands me my drink, a vodka soda, and I turn around to face where Cathy, Lee, and Winnie are. On stage are John and Nick, carrying Nick's keyboard.

I was about to look away when I lock eyes with John. He genuinely looks surprised to see me. I awkwardly wave, then turn around to talk to Mallory, who is in the process of chatting up the bartender.

"I made eye contact with John. Shit!" I exclaim.

She laughs. "You're funny when you're all flustered. Eve, meet Reggie. We used to date in secondary school. Isn't that funny?"

"I'm Eve. I know Mallory from yesterday." I joke.

"What's Yesterday? Is that club?" He asks, confused.

Mallory and I look at each other, then laugh.

"No silly, yesterday as in the day before today!" She giggles. "I'll catch up with you later, okay Reg?" Then Mallory links her arm with mine and we walk away to join the others. "I forgot how thick he was. Yesterday, a bar? C'mon! That was embarrassing."

I laugh. "Not as bad what I did. I led a hot guy on all night last night."

She laughs. "We're both dumb."

I nod.

When we reach the others, I hear the opening riff to Boys Don't Cry, and Winnie, Mallory, and I instantly start to dance. Lee looks at us like we started the dancing plague. Cathy just laughs and joins us.

"What's this song called?" Lee asks.

"Boys Don't Cry by The Cure. You've never heard it?" Cathy asks in disbelief.

"Nah. I'm not really into this newfangled stuff. 50s rock is where it's at." He says, proudly.

"Did he just say newfangled?" Winnie whispers, but since she was a couple drinks in, it was a lot louder than she intended.

Lee looks annoyed.

Cathy was about to say something, but we got distracted by someone from Rum Runner announcing that Duran Duran was taking the stage.

"This is newfangled too." Cathy says to him, and Lee cracks a smile.

The set they play was a little different from last night, but just as good, even better. Simon doesn't do the silly dances Dave does, but he is still a good frontman. Just different. I try to not look at John, but it didn't really work. We make our way to be closer to the stage, so he is right in front of me. I was afraid that he wants to see me after. I couldn't go through that embarrassment again. I love Andy, don't I?

The set ends, and John winks at me when the band files off stage.

"It's almost 11:30, we have a big drive tomorrow, we should go back soon." Cathy says to me.

I nod.

"No! Don't go!" Winnie and Mallory say in unison.

"We have to!" I say, sadly. "Come visit my boyfriend's band. They'll be touring soon. I think they'll be big."

"We can be groupies for Duran Duran and your boyfriend's band!" Mallory says.

Winnie slaps her arm in a joking way. "Stop that!"

I promise Winnie and Mallory that I would give Cathy their numbers. Cathy bades Lee goodbye and we leave the club.

"I don't know if I like him." She says

"Who?" I asks.

"Lee." She says.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry." I say.

"Don't be. John was HOT by the way. I would have been all over him."

I laugh, weakly.

We chat for the rest of the walk, then pack when we get back to our room.

"Oh! You need to get the Waterford bowl from your aunt. Your step-sister left a message." I say, as I get under the covers.

"My mother has been unbearable about that. I wouldn't forget. Well this has been a fun weekend, Goodnight Eve."

"Goodnight." I reply, and turn out the light.

The car ride home was pretty uneventful. When I got home, no one in my family was home. Cathy couldn't stay with me, and I forgot my key, so I was stuck outside on the front step with my suitcase.

Dave walks by, and does a double take.

"Running away from home?" He quips.

"Isn't that your thing?" I reply, smiling.

He laughs and walks up the path, and sits down next to me.

"So, what's the deal with Gemma?" I ask. "Any new developments?"

Dave sighs. "No. Nothing. It's over. We just don't want the same things, and that's okay. You said it yourself, Eve, we're on different paths."

"Wow, I'm wise." I joke. "But in all seriousness, I'm sorry. And you're probably better off without her. She called Andy 'the synth guy'."

Dave laughs. "That's a shame."

We sit in companionable silence for awhile.

"Where are my parents? Hank?" I ask.

Dave shrugs. "Your guess is as good as mine."

We sit in silence for a bit more, I notice that Dave is trying to get up the courage to say something, but he isn't finding it.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" I ask.

"No.. no. Why?" He asks.

"You're acting kind of strange. You keep sighing, then opening your mouth to say something, then you close it." I point out.

He sighs again.

"There it is again!" I say.

"Fine. I'll tell you, but this is hard and I probably shouldn't. Well, here it goes. I like you Eve. I've liked you for years. And when Gemma broke up with me I was kind of relieved. I know you're dating Andy, but I just have to get this off of my chest."

I just sit there, gobsmacked. I didn't know what to say.

"Hey guys, what's up?" A voice says.

I look up to see Andy coming up the walk.

"I got locked out. My parents aren't home." I explain. How much did Andy hear?

"I should go, see you two later." Dave says, and practically scurries away.

"What's his deal?" Andy laughs, watching him run away.

"No idea. I think the breakup is affecting him more than he lets on." I say, quickly.

"Do you want to come over to my house until your parents are home?" Andy asks me.

"Yes that sounds nice!" I say.

Andy helps me up, gives me a quick kiss, then grabs my suitcase.

What just happened?

it's been too long! here's a long update! such drama!! dave dropped a bombshell. i guess teresa was right this whole time, who would have thought? big things happening soon!! watch out!!
just realized it was in the wrong tense - fixed it!

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