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Quick, not proof-read chapter! I'm writing this before I got to work for the whole day🤪

TW: mention of homophobic threats


"Harry! Look over here!"

"Harry, please let me have a second of your day! I'm here for London Press with some questions and..."

"Mr. Styles, can you please talk about the rumor about..."

Harry stood as still as a wall while paps circled around him and took pictures. He held his girlfriend, Taylor, by the hip as they were blinded by, what seemed to be, never ending flashes.

He forces on a smile when his manager narrows his eyes towards him. But it doesn't please him. Harry rolled his eyes and, with one swift move, leaned down and pressed their lips together for a quick kiss, making the paps go crazy.

"Harry! Mr. Styles!" Someone yelled. "Talk to us about your new album!"

Harry shook his head angrily. "I can't say too much, just because I don't have many songs written yet."

Another person yelled over everyone. "Tell us about your relationship with Ms. Swift!"

"Well, uh..." he stopped to think for a second. "We're alright. You know, 6 months is awhile. Things are going pretty good."

"The whole world loves Haylor!" Someone shouted.

"When are you proposing?!" A new voice called.

With that, Harry grabbed Taylor's hand and dragged them out of the flood of paparazzi. He ignored the shouts coming from the paps and his manager as he hurried them into his car and pushed through everyone until he was on the highway.

The first half of the drive was completely silent except for the air coming through the vents. Harry had one hand on the wheel while the other stayed on her knee.

"So about that proposal..." Taylor started.

"Not happening anytime soon."

"Harry, we've been dating for half a year, but we've known each other for 5 years now. I think that's enough time, and we know each other pretty well-"

"Taylor," Harry mimicked in a high pitch voice. "You know I don't want marriage or kids or anything like that ever."

Taylor groaned and threw her head against the seat. "But I do. What about what I want?"

"Listen," Harry started. "I'm sure you'd be an amazing mother and you're an incredible, supportive girlfriend. But that's just not my thing."

"Your thing?" She asked as if she heard him correctly. "It's not a thing, it's your future."

"And I think I have the right to choose what my future looks like," Harry raised his voice.

He took his hand off her leg and gripped the wheel tightly. Taylor huffed in annoyance and stared out of the window.

"I want food. Let's get-" Taylor started.

Harry instantly turned on music and turn the volume up high as he picked up his speed. He could hear Taylor ranting, but it just sounded like the teacher from Charlie Brown. Just a bunch of rubbish while music blared.

God, she's annoying.

The rest of the ride was just that. Taylor screamed as Harry only focused on the road and the music. When he dropped her off at her house, the second she shut the door he sped off without a single word.

Unexpected**ON HOLD**~Larry StylinsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin