Chapter 2

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Sonic: Hey, David.

David: Sonic. I knew you guys were okay.

Amy: We're so soaked.

Stitch shook off the water like a super wet dog.

Lilo: Does Nani know I was out past my bedtime?

David: Yeah. She's out looking for you.

Knuckles: I can't believe Gantu kidnapped Jumba.

David: That big dummy?

Knuckles: Yep.

Sonic: Where'd Stitch go?

Stitch: Pleakley.

Stitch got Pleakley out of the box.

Shadow: We know Gantu kidnapped Jumba.

Pleakley: Because of this thing.

Sonic: Wonder what he'd want with this?

Sonic turned on the machine.

Computer: Container ready. Select experiment.

Amy: So many illegal genetic experiments, so little time, wouldn't you agree?

Sonic: We know Stitch is #626. All of these, that we see before us, are all the other 625 experiments. Dehydrated, probably for transport.

Knuckles: To active these experiments, we'll have to get one of them wet.

Pleakley: These experiments have their own abilities.

Cream: That could help us rescue Jumba.

Pleakley: But they're highly unstable, and very dangerous. Do NOT open this box.

Sonic: Gotcha.

Nani: Lilo! Thank goodness you're okay.

Tails: Gantu kidnapped Jumba, so we used the Blue Typhoon to try and save him.

Nani: Wait. While David and I went to dinner, you went to space?

Tails: Let me finish my sentence, please. Then you came and hugged Lilo to death. Now I'm finished.

Shadow: How are we going to save Jumba? He's a part of our Ohana.

Sonic: Hello? Charmy? Espio? Vector? This is an emergency. Yeah. I'll talk about it tomorrow.

Pleakley: I'll call for someone on the intergalactic periwinkle pages. There's a lot of phones in the galaxy.

Shadow: We need a plan.

Stitch: Ih.

Stitch opened the box.

Sonic: Maybe one of the experiments can help us.

Sometime later

Knuckles: Tub filled with water.

Sonic: Not sure we needed this much water, but better safe than sorry.

Amy: Let's try an electric experiment.

Cheese: Chao!

Computer: Experiment 221. Primary function: Electrical power surge.

Cream: That could work.

Sonic: It should have enough electrical power like a Boltund in a dog race.

Lilo: Sonic, if you please.

Sonic: Don't mind if I do!

Sonic threw the experiment pod in the tub.

Computer: Experiment 221 activated.

Everyone: WOAH!!!

221: Ah ha ha ha ha!

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221: Ah ha ha ha ha!

221 caused a blackout on the house.

Knuckles: He shut off the power.

Sonic: He doesn't look like a Boltund to me.

221: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Amy: He got away. He got away.

Lilo: Let's go find 221. I'll get a flashlight.

Sonic: We're on an experiment hunt, and you don't wanna know how we're gonna weed him out. Let's go!

With Jumba

Gantu: Prepare yourself for cruel and untamable torture.

Jumba: I'm not afraid of torture. Maybe teensy bit afraid.

Gantu: Maybe Dr Hamsterviel will find that teensy bit.

The door started to open.

Dr Hamsterviel: Gantu. You're late!

Jumba: Is Dr Jacques Von Hamster Wheel.

Dr Hamsterviel: It's Hamsterviel! You stole my evil genius experiments, Jumba!

Jumba: Evil, you. Genius, me.

Dr Hamsterviel: What?! Say that to my face!

Jumba: You shorter than I have remembered. Still have that twitching nose like a gerbil.

Dr Hamsterviel: I'm not gerbil-like. I'm hamster-like, you with your four eyes and inexplicably stupid accent.

Gantu: I did get this one experiment pod from that two-tailed fox, Tails. He and Jumba refused to give up the others. I brought it to you for interrogation.

Dr Hamsterviel: Only one?! From some yellow double tailed fox? I'll rip them apart. Did you say, interrogation? Why I oughta... Get me a phone book!

To be continued...

Next time Sonic and Co will search for experiment 221 to recharge the Blue Typhoon. See ya soon folks!

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