'Damn. That's hot.' You thought as you nodded.

You tried not to feel aroused by that fact. The bell rang, telling everyone to go to their next class. "You know, you could teach me a lot more. I'm a little lost in this class." Rodrick avoided eye contact as he talked.

You chuckled and wrote your number on the paper. Then you stood up and left the classroom with Eric. Rodrick watched you walking away. He stuffed the paper into his backpack. 'Fuck yeah. She totally fell for me.' He thought as he made a little dance nobody noticed and walked out of the room.


You and Eric talked shortly at his locker during the quick break. "Who was that dude you sat next to?" He asked you as he managed his books. You shrugged your shoulders. "Rodrick. I don't really know him. Just met him."

"Aaand..?" Eric closed his locker, leaned against it, and smiled at you. "And what?" You said embarrassed and kinda confused. Eric kept teasing you. His smile was definitely infecting. "Oh, you like him. Look at you. All smiley."

You hid your smiley face by looking away. "Dude, I don't like him. I don't even know him." You playfully hit his shoulder. Eric chuckled while closing his locker. "I mean, he's cute. I gave him my number." Eric laughed loudly. "I need daily updates!"


It was lunch break. You sat at a lunch table with Maeve. Suddenly Adam strutted in and jumps on a table. "Can I have everyone's attention, please?" He shouted through the canteen.

Everyone went quiet and looked at Adam. "I have something to say. My name is Adam Groff. Headmaster Groff is my dad. Which is weird, 'cause I'm quite shit at school. And this..."

Adam opened his zipper and pulled his pants down. "This is my dick."

You and Maeve looked at each other shocked 'What the fuck Adam?' You thought as everyone, even the teachers, gasped loudly. Some laugh. "Yes, it is large. But I've done some googling. And it's actually just above average in terms of worldwide adult statistics. So, yeah. That's me. And that's my dick." Adam finished and Anwar started to applaud. Adam pulled up his pants and walked out of the canteen.

At the Untouchable's table, Ruby turned to Aimee. "You have to break up with him." She said as they stared at Adam walking out. Aimee nodded. "Yeah, I do."

You quickly took your things. "I gotta go. See ya later." You lied to Maeve and stood up. You had the intention to follow Adam and ask him what was going on.


You stood at Adam's locker to catch him but he never showed up. Adam was actually in an empty classroom, having sex with Aimee during the break. Rodrick saw you standing in the hallway, leaning near his locker.

He approached you and smiled at you. "Hey, what are you doing here?" You turned to look at him. "Oh, uh...waiting for someone." You were surprised by his presence. "No need to be shy, y/n. Were you waiting for me?" Rodrick said cockily, raising his eyebrows.

'Wait, is this dork flirting with me?' You thought as you smirked at him. "If that helps you sleep at night, then yes." Rodrick put some books into his locker and stuffed his drumsticks in the side of his backpack so that people could see them. "It definitely helps me sleep tonight."

"You know, you could tell me more about your oh-so-cool band." You said curiously as you turned to him. He closed his locker. "Löded diper is cool, okay?" He chuckled. You laughed briefly. "Löded diper?"

Then the speakers suddenly rang. "Adam Groff to the headmaster's office, please."

You had completely forgotten about Adam and focused on Rodrick. The two of you walked side by side to campus.


Maeve watched the students on campus while writing in her notebook. She was mostly focused on Ruby talking to Jackson, getting a little jealous as she was flirting with him. But then she noticed you and Rodrick walking together.

"You know, you should definitely watch us practice one time," Rodrick said to you. You looked around the campus to avoid him seeing your flustered face. You noticed Maeve watching you.

"Yeah. Uhh, I gotta go. Text me." You winked at Rodrick, whose cheeks turned rosy, and walked over to Maeve. Rodrick looked for his bandmates.

"Wait, what is going on?" Maeve asked confused as you arrived. "What do you mean?" You said as you shrugged your shoulders. Maeve rolled her eyes. "Are you talking with that weird dude?"

"He's not weird." You scoffed. "And yes." Maeve scoffed as well "That's cute." She said unbothered as she turned back to her notebook. "What about you? I saw you stalking our new swimming head boy." You did the same thing with her.

"Just sex. Nothing more." Maeve said plainly as Aimee walked up to you.

"I broke up with Adam," Aimee said and leaned at the wall. You looked at her perplexed. "Still couldn't come?" Maeve asked.

"No, he did. We had goodbye sex." Aimee looked at you with her wide eyes. "Goodbye sex?" You asked confused.

"Yeah. You know, for the memories. Thing is, school's hard enough without having to date an actual flasher. I think I need to find someone a bit more socially acceptable-" Aimee got interrupted by Maeve. "Rewind, he came?"

"Yeah. It's like something clicked in his brain. Boom!" Maeve saw Otis and waved to him awkwardly. She realized that Otis's words made Adam stop worrying.


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