Following The Trail

Start from the beginning

batman saw a vent that leads to the intensive treatment room, as he was crawling through the vent he hears joker's voice again on the speakers, " ding ding ding dong. Arkham Asylum is now under new management. here's a quick update on what's going on. attention. we have an escaped patient. dresses like a bat. what an idiot! should be considered costumed and dangerous. personally, I think the best solution is to put him out of his misery. it's the only reliable cure" batman opens the vent gate and crawls out before looking around to see three armed thugs looking around the room, he silently takes them out before joker's voice was heard on the speakers again," did you really think it was going to be that easy, bats. I've sent a few more of my boys your way. let's see how you deal with these odds".   then four of joker's thugs walked in, " joker wants him found! spread out!" the thug said as they split up to find batman. 

batman smiled knowing that this was going to be easy and takes them out one by one. once they were dealt with, batman came to the main entrance and saw three dead guards and dead boles on the same table that joker was strapped to, " joker must have figured out how I was tracking Gordon, officer boles trail stops here." batman looks around for any clue of were Gordon could have been taken, but then he hears some interference in his earpiece, " can you hear me, batman? I know you can." a voice said, (Y/N) hears this and started to try and trace the broadcast location is as the voice said, " yes, it is I, Edward Nigma, the riddle and more importantly your intellectual superior." then (Y/N) after see finds the broadcast location she smiles as the computer shows her... 

tracing broadcast location 

signal encrypted with 512-bit cipher

she leans back in her chair as she and her dad kept listening to the riddler " my genius has allowed me to easily hack into your primitive communications. my goal is simple. you complete a series of amusingly taxing challenges and, well, you'll see." the riddles voice disappears as batman hear a door open and looks to his right, " batman over here!" a guard called out as batman runs into the small control room as the guard closes the door before batman turns tot he guard, "your safe, can you tell me what happened?" he asked the man. the guard sighs as he turns to batman " it was a massacre, boles came walking in, telling everyone to cover the front entrance. said something about joker's army moved to the exit, and frank shot'em dead. they never stood a chance" the guard said in sadness as what he witnessed, " was boles alone?" batman asks him snapping the guard out of his trance, " thought he was, then I saw Harley Quinn. she was surrounded by blackgate prisoners. they were just killing everyone in the room. I had no choice, I got in here, locked the door. I could see it on the security feed. they had someone with them, it looked like the commissioner." batman nodded his head, " boles is dead, they carried on without him, must have outlived his usefulness." batman said making the guard smile, " good. he was scum" the guard replied as batman looked at the security camera to see the main door closed, " is there a way through the main entrance??" he asked the guard. " yeah, through that door," the guard said pointing to the door across the room the leads out of this room, batman nodded his head before he began to walk to the door but was stopped by the guard who said, " oh, and if you find joker, punch him in the face for me." batman nodded his head before walking through the door and making his way out of the building and making his way to the east wing of Arkham. 

meanwhile back in the Batcave, (Y/N) was working on the bat computer as barbara was reading a magazine and was asking questions to (Y/N), " okay, here's a good one. if you had to pick one thing you like about a man, would it be his.  A. smarts B. strength or  C. his kindness?" she said. (Y/N) thinks for a moment before saying " can't I have all of them?" barbara smiles, " well you can, but what if you had to pick one, what would it be?" she said. " kindness" (Y/N) replied as she kept typing on the computer. " why?" barbara asks, (Y/N) looks at the neckless around her neck, it was the letter J.T with a red feather hanging next to it. it was from Jason when he was alive, he got it for her 17th birthday before he was killed before she could say anything to her friend the radio goes off and the news came on, " we apologize for this interruption to our regular broadcast. jack Ryder is live from the Gotham bay area with some breaking news" the news reporter said, this caught catlins attention as she walks in, she turns up the volume on the radio, " this is jack Ryder with breaking news in the Gotham bay. we're getting reports of an armed siege on Arkham island. two minutes ago, joker broadcast to all news channels this chilling message" jack Ryder said before they played the message joker broadcasted. 

" greetings Gotham. this is the voice of your new master... oh hang on... I've skipped a bit. joker here! I'm in control of Arkham island and you call all consider it out of bounds. if I see any lawman, vigilantes, or do-gooders in tights coming this way, I'll start detonating random bombs around the city. what'll it be? a kindergarten? a hospital? a billionaire's mansion? choices, choices, choices" 

once the joker's message finished playing, catlin looks at her nightingale outfit and sighs knowing that she can't help for now. " all access to the island had been restricted airspace is closed off and early reports suggest that batman himself is trapped on the island. we'll be right here, reporting live on any developments back to the studio" jack said before the news reporter came back on," thanks, jack. more as it happens" the new reporter said before the radio music came back on. Catlin turns to her daughter who had a worried look on her face, she saw the fear in her eyes. catlin then walks up and hugs her knowing that (Y/N) was scared that her father might die in the same place that her boyfriend died too. " don't worry honey. he will be okay, I promise" she said as (Y/N) nodded her head, " I know"

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