"Hey Man" he said to Mike

"Another Lager?" He asks, Chris nods and now looking at us skeptically as he turns around to get him another round.

"Why is your arm around my shoulder?" I ask him

"I always do this, your like my little Hayes" he soar I chuckled

"It's Styles now, Gallagher." I smirk in his face taking a sip of my water."

"My little Sis married and taking his last name" he chucked himself

"I like to plan ahead remember?" I said as Mike comes back with his drink

"Thanks Man" Chris said as I turn my head the other way, I now see a few girls from the salon including Haley. I really don't want to see them here why of all nights are they here? I look to see Toby coming over now

"Now I know why I left this shithole of a town" he slurred a little bit but not bad

"I see a few girls from the salon.." I said

"If one tried to mess with you let me know" he said I nod as I stand up from the bar Chris's arm falling down off my shoulders I head towards the back into the bathroom, I walk into the single bathroom locking the door behind me I pull my phone out and click Harry's name I don't even know the time over there at the moment but I don't really care, as he picks up I smile happy

"Hey Baby Girl" I smiled

"Hey Hubs. I'm not ruining anything am i?" I ask

"No it's 3 pm here, what are you up too isn't it like 1 over there?" He asks

"Yeah I'm at a bar with Alexa, Toby and his best friend Chris." I said leaning against the wall "I'm DD so I'm not drinking as much"

"Good you sounded still slurred when we talked earlier this morning" he said concerned a bit "Does your brother friend know?" He asks
In a weird time I have never heard of

"Yeah he saw the rings as soon as he walked through the front door" I said

"He's not hitting on you right?" He asked again in the same tone, Oh my god.

"Are you jealous?" I ask kinda happy

"I wanna be there pros ting you from all the craved sex driven men" he said I laugh

"I'm taking care of myself don't worry, Chris is like another older brother to me." I admit honestly " you have no reason to be jealous" I said

"I know and I trust you... I just miss you a lot." He said

"I know and I miss you a lot Harry.. I'm afraid to go out there are girls from the salon here too."

"Get Alexa, your brother and his friend to leave then." He said

"I need to go find Alexa and I don't know if they wanna leave yet." I really wanna go home though

" Be careful baby i miss you a lot Styles" he said

"I miss you more Styles. Go buy me something in Osaka" I chuckled joking

"I already did" I can hear the smirk

"What?! Harry I was joking!" I said "you buy me to many things" I said

"But I buy you things because I see it and I go Kylie will like that" he said

"Your crazy Styles I'm leaving now"

"Be careful and safe" he said

"I will talk to you later on tomorrow" we said our good byes and I open the door seeing the one person I didn't want to see .... Haley giving me a shocked face "were you listening to my whole conversation?" I ask pissed off now

"Your whoreing around with a celebrity? Or should I say a complete slut by marrying a man" She asked she began to chuckle "I knew you always had a skank side to you Hayes"

"What the fuck no I don't!" I defend myself "Did you follow me all the way back here to listen to MY private conversation?!"

"Yeah I did" she answered bluntly as I see Cami and Gabby the other girls she was with who also work with us come by "Girls it's true Kylie is whoring it up.. But with Harry Styles" I begin to get teary eyed " We knew you were loving up on him but never knew you would actually fund him and force him to be with a crazy bitch like you." They all started laughing

"You all don't know the story! We got wasted in Vegas and ended up in bed Married!" They all laughed harder

"Most likely not possible" Cami said "Can't wait to tell everyone everyone at the Salon" I shake my head

"You all are disgusting" I said as I try to walk away all three of them block me... Do they all know I'm taller and can push my way through which I did exactly I walk fast away as Chris sees me

" What's wrong?" He asked as the three girls chased after me I hid behind his back

"Is Hayes or should I say.. STYLES doing you also?" I hear Haley

"You three stop harassing her she's done nothing wrong!" As I see Toby walk up to me

"They know" I said scared he comes up to Chris

"Find Alexa I will deal with them." Chris walks away

"How does it feel to know your sister is a whore" gabby said laughing

"If anyone one is a whore it's all of you three dressing up like a bunch of skanks! I called my sister a whore when I found out but I realized she's happy! if you three weren't girls I would be kicking all of your asses right now!" My brother yelled at all of them as I see Chris have Alexa slung over his shoulder, Toby brings his arm around my shoulder guiding me out, I feel the tears streaming down my face.. If the girls I worked with handled it like this how will the world?

Love Me Like You Do (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now