Chapter 11

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Bright white lights shone down on 512 as she laid in the hospital bed and her face scrunched up, as a soft beeping slowly became louder in her ears until it racked threw her skull forcing her to slowly pry her eyes open. Instantly her vision swam with bright lights, and popping colors she hardly had any reconiction of. Slowly she looked around her surroundings surprised by every little thing. Abruptly she felt a sharp, tiny pain in her forearm and as she glanced at it she saw multiple wire-like tubes sprouting from her skin. Suddenly, as if a curtain was raised in her mind, 512 sat up violently and tore from the bed blood spraying the pure white sheets as she ripped the wires out from inside of her forearm. However the pain hardly regestistered as reoccurring thoughts seared in her mind.

Escape. Run. Getaway. Escape. Survive.

As she grabbed the handle of the door containing her in the room, the door was ripped outword from her hand. 512 came face to face with an elderly looking woman wearing a uniform style skirt and short sleeves. The uniform was a light baby blue color with a crisp and persice look. The woman blinked surprised her brown eyes widening.

"What are you doing out of bed?" She asked gently seeming to sense that 512 was a bit tense to say the least. 512, on the other hand, was stopped cold in her tracks. Slowly her hand reached forward and hovered close to the woman's face a bead of blood from her arm dripping off her fingers staining the woman's neat uniform. The woman swallowed and glanced over her shoulder as if she was contemplating weither or not to make a run from this patient who seemed to have lost her mind.

Yet, as the experienced fighter 512 was she noticed the slight flick of her eyes and grabbed the woman's shoulders slamming her against a wall that happened to have open shelves built into it. As the woman hit the wall the shelves rattled sending a sole coffee cup to the floor shattering it loudly. Softly the woman made a strangled gasping noise as 512 held her tightly pushing up against the wall. 512 leaned down and hissed at her gruffly.

"Where is Kayla?!" 512 shook her slightly rocking her backwards. "Tell me now!!"

"Down the hall." A deeper voice rumbled calmly from behind her, the nurse not even moving her lips. Terrified by the sudden appearance of the voice 512 dropped her grip on the woman and pushed all her energy, and chakra, dashing toward the still open door, how ever a firm grip found its way to her wrist and as she turned her head to snarl at the attacker she felt the sharp prick of a needle incerting into the soft flesh of her neck. Almost instantly she felt a tingle spread up her legs and knew within seconds she'd be completely immobile. 512's heart began to speed up pounding in her ears as fear raced threw her, consuming her like a fever. She took a wobbily step towards the door way when one leg gave out underneath her and she collapsed, her fingers just barely brushing the edge of the doorframe.

Struggling to retain a clear mind, 512 turned her head slightly so as to look at her attacker. Again she was surised to see a boy about her size with dark brown hair tied back in a short pony tail his bangs hanging to his ears allowing his gray eyes to peek out shimmering mercilessly. She opened her mouth to snap at him but all that came out was a soft incoherent whisper and she felt her eyelids droop. As her vision blurred she saw the boy reach down toward her then everything went black.


512's consciousness reentered the world much like how it had before only along with the sensation of bright lights, mumbling also reached her ears.

"She attacked a nurse! What kind of sick person attacks a nurse?" A male voice exclaimed, it sounded the same as the person who had paralized her.

"Exactly, we don't know anything about them." A quieter, still male reply.

"Ryo-sama must be out of his mind. Treating her like a guest or something..."

"Idiot..." A new female voice. "They are visitors. Not guests."

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