1st Bio

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Name: Y/N Akatsuki

Age: 18

Height: 168 cm/ 5'6

Appearance: Looks like a slightly younger Inuyasha, but with neck length hair and fox ears.

Race: Human/Renart hybrid

Clothing: Salamander Wool kimono, red hakama pants, white undershirt, armored boots.

Equipment: Salamander Wool kimono, common light weight armor, armored gauntlets (hidden under kimono sleeves)

Weapons: Claws: 4 hidden blades within each gautlet that function as claws for close combat and surprise attacks, Nodachi (130 cm), Tessaiga (Later chapter and after the Nodachi breaks)

Status (Start of the story)

Level: 3

Basic Abilities

Strength: C605
Endurance: C609
Dexterity: D524
Agility: B753
Magic: G280

Development Abilities

Hunter: H
Healing Power: H
Mixing: I


Hijin Kessō: Wide area attack magic, creates a series of red blades with the swipe of the caster's hand. Magic power increases the more the caster bleeds. Super short chant.


Horkew Kamuy: (Inuyasha Yokai Form) Allows the user to undergo a unique form of beastification when pushed far enough. Greatly boosting the users basic abilities, but at the cost of the user entering a feral state. Though there is a good chance for the user to take control. Large drain of users stamina and mind.


Hey guys Mukuro7 here and I hoped that you enjoyed this bio. As you can see this is what you start out with, everything else about Y/N will start coming along shortly as I wouldn't want to ruin quite a few surprises. And there are quite a few good ones planned.

I will update this bio after the...well I guess the Monster Feria cause more details will be revealed then.

And I hope you all will enjoy the story to come.

First harem should be up in a few days as I have some writing to catch up on and research. I already have a few picks, but I wish to hear what you guys have to offer. Along with any events from Memoria Freeze that could fit cause I could use some help on that part.

But anyway that is all for now.

So until next time, ciao!

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