Slamming the patio door behind you, you walk to the edge of the pool and sat down next to it, tucking your knees into your chest. You were too angry to even cry anymore, and there wasn't much time to sit and determine your emotions when there were people facing death as they spoke.

"Hey." You looked up to see Bakugou towering above you. You angrily averted your gaze back to the body of water in front of you.

He was one of the last people you wanted to see right now. You couldn't handle your emotions over this situation plus him.

"Bakugou I just-"

"No, listen." He snapped. He sounded angry in a way, which tended to happen when he had an emotion that he couldn't quite express.

You were already angry and quite honestly didn't feel like being pushed around and told what to do right now. You just wanted to scream, and here was Bakugou making the sensation worse by talking to you like that.

"You can't just storm out here and force me to listen to whatever you have to say, Bakugou.", You started, "Do you think this is easy for me?"

You stood off of the ground and turned to face him, "Do you think I'm just okay watching my friends go missing because of me? I've already made my decision so there's no need to talk me out of it."

Bakugou's eyes went wide as he absorbed your words, further anger rising in his chest, "You made your decision? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that they can have me. I'm going to hand myself over so that everyone else stays safe." You practically yelled, crossing your arms over your chest, "If they wanna kill me then they can, I don't care."

"Are you fucking stupid?" Bakugou yelled, making you wince at his choice of words, "They just want you to join their little gang, are you saying you want to be a villain now? Great, yeah, that'll solve everything."

You were both fuming over this conversation and nobody was calm enough to think clearly. This is not how he planned that it would go when he came outside to talk to you. He was going to try and help you feel better, but maybe what you needed was to yell at someone, which he understood more than anyone.

"No, I don't want to be a fucking vi-" You started, but stopped, just staring at him out of pure anger. Who did he think he was? First he's an asshole to you, then he's decent to you, then he kisses you and now here he is doing whatever this is. He didn't deserve an explanation for anything.

"You know what, Katsuki? Fuck you." Tears welled up in your eyes as you stormed away from him, making a beeline straight to your room.

"Y/n wait, I didn't-" He started before realizing you were already halfway in the door, "FUCK!"

He put his head in his hands as he began to wonder whether or not he should chase after you, eventually deciding that he should let you cool down before coming to talk to you. He had started the conversation the wrong way, which led you to believe he was going to project some opinionated thought onto you.

You ignored the calls after you as you stormed your way up the stairs toward your bedroom. You didn't mean to be that aggressive toward Bakugo, but everything was coming down all at once. Your trauma, everyone knowing about said trauma, the chance of someone missing, and the fact that your mother is supposedly back and wants something to do with you.

You face-planted on your bed as soon as you slammed your bedroom door behind you. You had hoped that nobody would follow you in there as you really wanted to be alone with your thoughts. Whether that was good for you or not was a whole other question in itself.

fire and desire [katsuki bakugo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now