Chapter 8

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Atsuki was on his way to the hospital since his mother suddenly collapsed. He was worried of his mother so he quickly left the base. When he arrived, he quickly went to the emergency room to find his mother. When he arrived, he saw his mother's friend waiting outside.

Atsuki: "Aunt Mai! Is my mother okay?" he asked out of breath while having a worried look on his face.

Mai: "She's still in the emergency room. The doctors haven't given me any news on her."

Atsuki: "I see..."

Suddenly, the doors opened and one of the doctors came outside of the emergency room.

Doctor: "Are you the family member of miss Sakura?"

Atsuki: "Yes, I'm her son, Atsuki. Doctor, is my mother going to be okay?"

Doctor: "Her condition is stable for the time being, but she still hasn't regained consciousness. I suggest for her to be treated here for a few days so we can monitor her condition."

Atsuki: "Yes, of course..."

Nurse: "Sir, you are needed at room 342."

Doctor: "I will be there shortly. I'm sorry sir but I am needed elsewhere. Excuse me."

And with that, the doctor left the emergency room. Atsuki's mother, Sakura, was moved to a private room. Her neighbour, Mai, went to accompany her and Astuki went to the counter to pay the hospital bill. After doing so, he sat down on one of the chairs near the counter.

Atsuki: *sigh* "What am I going to do?"

The thought of losing her mother made Atsuki tear up a little. He quickly wiped his eyes and reassured himself. Everything's going to be alright. No need to worry too much he thought trying to calm himself down. Suddenly, he heard someone call out to him.

Haruna: "Atsuki!"

Atsuki: "Haruna? What are you doing here?"

Haruna: "I was worried about you so I followed you here. Are you alright?" She asked with a worried expression.

Atsuki: "Yeah, I'm fine. No need to worry." He said reassuring her.

Haruna: "I see... How is your mother's condition?"

Atsuki: "The doctors said she's stable but she still hasn't woken up."

Haruna: "I see..."

Atsuki: "Would you like to see her? She's being accompanied by one of my neighbours. I also want to check up on her."

Haruna: "Of course!"

Hearing her positive voice made Atsuki at ease. He smiled at her and soon the two went to Sakura's room.

When they arrived in front of the door, Atsuki could hear Mai talking to someone in the room. He opened the door and saw the doctor that he met earlier.

Atsuki: "Doctor? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

Doctor: "Mr. Atsuki, I have something that I want to discuss with you. It's about Ms. Sakura."

Atsuki: "What is it doctor?"

Doctor: "Regarding Miss Sakura, she suffered a heart attack. She needs to undergo surgery. I was informing this to Miss Mai."

Atsuki: "Surgery?! But why?"

Doctor: "The cause of the heart attack was the flow of blood in her heart being blocked due to plaque build up in her artery. The surgery will help clear the blood flow by placing a stent in the blocked artery. Do you want us to do the surgery?"

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