How to make a friend

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Do you have friends? Everyone has at least one friend in their life. If you don't this is the paper for you. Or if you would rather not read it you don't have to. You can do other things like ask your mom or dad or brother or sister.

First you should find people who are nice and will be a good friend. You don't want toxic and mean friends. You don't want that because they can bring you down, or even turn you into a bully or a bad person. Good friends will help you with homework and cover for you, and even let you cheat off of them. But don't cheat, cheating is very bad.

Second, you should try and talk to them. Give them a compliment, Be nice. Don't be mean,if you mean they won't be your friend. If they ignore you try again, if they get mean walk away. You shouldn't have mean people in your life. Like I said before, they can bring you down and make you feel sad.

Third, if they say thank you, or give you a compliment back. Then boom you have a friend. Also they might even introduce you to their friends. Then those friends might introduce you to their friends, so on and so on. After all that you'll have a lot of friends not just one!

I hope these tips helped you find a friend. I also hope you keep these friends throughout your life. Also remember that cheating is very bad. I was just joking about that. But overall I hope these tips helped you. Have a good day!

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