he was burning in anger, he can't stand that guy, who really have no idea that someone right here hates him with all his heart.

"Kook calm down, there is no way your dad will change the decision, so why not get along with it, and by the way what even he has ever done to you? why you despise him so much" yugeom narrows his eyes, really want to know the reason because he really find it pointless.

Jeonguk shuts his eyes close, hand on his hips. he turned to yugeom whose eyes are already settled on him, as he waits for his reply

Jeonguk open his mouth to say something but shut its anyways.

"I just don't want him to be close anywhere to Jeons, i can't stand that who----, leave it" he turns on his heals reach to his table grabs the glass full of water and chugs it down, yugeom shakes his head folds his arm over his chest, he knows jeonguk is about to change the topic

"get me the file of our project with beoms, I need to sort out this at least before calling the day off" he says nonchalantly, plop downs on his chair, doesn't spare a glance to a male standing across his table.

yugeom rolls his eyes,so expected from ravente 'the arrogant man'.

"getting it in a minute"
Yugeom says and walks out

people say it is an interesting profession to be on camera, to make a pose--head up chin down, make films and drama,and get treated as royalty when you are super model and actor at the same time,it's a fascinating profession and people wants be one of them, being famous is good but yet it comes with no personal space and the personal life becomes the headline every now and then.

flashs of hundreds of camera and then to smiling wide to them while concealing all the pain and tiredness just in smile is easy right? yes as easy as to pluck a stars from the sky.

"1,2,3 "
Posing right in front camera is an art and taehyung is the God of this professions,people around the studio couldn't tore their eyes off from the black hair beauty who poses so effortlessly, changes the pose and expression like a pro, he's so beautiful and elegant with kind heart that often people calls him as an angel.

he smiles, bows as the photographer says the shoot is over. he's tired as fuck, the tight jam packed schedule is taking tool of  him but still he effortlessly looks fresh and beautiful anyways, concealing all his tiredness behind his winsome smile.

"sir, today's shoot is over. will pack up now" the producer of the shoot came along side him there was a director.

"oh okay. thank you" he bows a little, smiles as his eyes fall on his manager Sejin.

"there's is slight change in tomorrows schedule, the time has changed and it's now 6 in the morning" the director Mr. Yoo says, slightly afraid though he's well aware of taehyungs kind and understanding nature, but tae is tae even after being the face of South Korea he hasn't changed a bit, no attitude no arrogance at all.

"ah, okay no issue I'll be there on time, please give the details to Sejin hyung"

he says then walk to his make up room.
he sigh rest his head against head rest of the chair, the room is empty there's no one just him. he sees his reflection in the mirror, smiles a little

"You did great taehyungah" he heard the manly sound, smiles widely and turn his head to see Sejin walking to him with yeonjun trailing behind him.

"thank you hyung" he beams, he take out the tissue , to take off his makeup which is like zero in amount, he never needed make up, his ethereal look is enough.

"take rest for a while , at 5pm you have interview with vague magazine" Sejin says, while passing taehyung a water bottle then scrouch down to remove youngers shoes.

"hyung, I'll take out you d-"

"let me take care of you taehyungah, you have worked really hard" Sejin says look up and taehyung couldn't argue more.

"yes hyung , you were so great like as always" Yeonjun says excitedly while wiping the bead of sweat from taehyungs forehead.

Taehyung smiles, mutters thank you to both of them, shut his eyes closed he's in desperate in need of sleep---- which he hardly gets.

"oh I forgot, there's an offer for you" tae doesn't opens his eyes rather enjoys the head massage now he's receiving from yeonjun

"brand ambassador for Je-"

"I don't want to" the model says nonchalantly doesn't let sejin finish

"let me finish it first tae, brand ambassador-"

"no hyung, I want a vacation if possible.i want to go to daegu for few days" he says, a hint of sadness in voice which the other two male sense it anyways.

"Okay--- I'll, I'll ask the agency but please don't keep your hopes high they might not approve it" Sejin says as he hand rest on models shoulder.
the models nodds, sighs deeply.

"hyung, I'll come with you this time please" yeonjun pleads like a small kid, taehyung chukles opens his eyes to see the youngers hopfull eyes

"okay whiney baby" tae teases and the younger jumps in excitement.

"should I get some snacks for you taehyungah? you haven't had anything since morning" sejin asks concerned laced in his tone for the model.

the model nodes in response, and sejin know what he has to get for him, he has taken care of him ever since the model had stepped his foot in this profession and taehyung can't be more thankful than he's already, sejin has witnessed models highs and lows, he's like a shadow who follows him around every where.

sejin nods though model can't see as he's receiving massage, he pass to door but then gets In again

"tae, are you sure? you don't want to take this offer"? sejin asks

"I'm not repeating myself hyung, please"
the model said but it's not a harsh tone rather a plea , he turn his head to see sejin standing right before the door.

"I don't have anything else after interview right"? he changes the topic ever so wisely.

"Nope, you can have your beauty sleep" sejin shruggs

"thank you hyung" The model says and he's thankful for him for everything, every damn thing

"yeonjun, get everything pack and let tae sleep for while, okay"? the manager says firmly

"okay hyung " the youngest smiles

"I'll get the snacks"
as he says and shut the door close

yeonjun starts packing things and tae helps even though the younger protest but model doesn't pays heed, he wanted to sleep but couldn't let yeonjun do it all alone.

two different world when collides they either make chaos or finds comfort, both are antithesis one is CEO and one is Super Model, unaware of what destiny has already plan for them they are just walking only to cross path with each other.

"Even the word 'kind' sounds so kind"


How's the chapter, do let me know..

take good care of your heart 💕❤

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