20. The Globe

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It felt like weeks had passed, between work and waiting for the right time for Vanessa. Short days turned into long weeks and your body was physically exhausted. Spencer your lord and savor: how it seemed these days, waltzed into the bullpen with two coffees and a pink box. When he sat down at his desk a smug grin pulled on his lips.

"Is that for me?" you asked suddenly after feeling his eyes on you for the past two minutes, simply studying your hands like fine pottery.


Your head shot up to see his lying eyes pointing directly at you. "I'm kidding my love...here you go" he slid the coffee to your desk along with a blueberry croissant like the ones he guys Garcia all the time.

"Thanks Spence" you sarcastically sacred surprised. Everyday this past week he has been bringing you a coffee and pastry in the morning from a local shop. He hadn't asked you to be his girlfriend yet. You didn't mind as you knew his past with Maeve. How can you blame him for having a great love in his life? She was killed in front of him, causing a wall to he built between you and him that was slowly eroding away. Soon it will be gone and he will asked the question on his own time.

"Since you told me you haven't seen any of the star wars movies I thought maybe tonight we could watch them." he gave you a signature white boy smile to portray his question. Star wars wasn't at the peak of your interest but if Spencer wanted to watch it with you, so be it. A few movies won't hurt, plus you don't even know if tonight is the night. Sitting with him on the couch all snuggled up seems very relaxing to you right now. Your body sinking into your chair just thinking about it.

"That sounds perfect! How many movies are there?"

"Well there are ten movies each around two hours maybe a bit long. If we start right at seven a'clock tonight we can finish the movies by the end of the week, while maintaining our sleep schedule" he rambled checking his shiny silver wrist watch for the time. Gears in his head turning as he calculated a certain time for the important event.

"Sounds perfect; come over after work?"

"Mhm" his smile was taking over his face while he bit it back. Each time he smiles it attaches to your heart like a memory that keeps you alive.

Most of the day was just paperwork, cases have been moving slow. Last week there was a case but nothing too crazy. Frankly you liked the peaceful work days and going home to hangout with Spencer. Tonight you also planned on setting up your Christmas tree, your favorite
why are holiday to say the least. When it was Halloween you help Spencer decorate his house, plus you need a taller person to help you stack the parts. Usually you'd go for a real tree: well that was until you put outside light on it and nearly burnt down the trailer house you lived in growing up. But it simply builds character to the meaning of the holiday for you- if that makes sense.

By the time five rolled around Hotch dismissed the team unless you willingly wanted to stay. It was the perfect time to get home and still have time.

"Let's go" Spencer grappled your arm, not harshly but enough to help you off the uncomfortable rolly chair. "So I was thinking tonight you can help me with Christmas decorations?" you suggested grabbing your last stack of papers.

"What kind do you have have in mind?"

"Maybe my tree and new throw pillows for the couch- oh can we stop by target!?" your voice wavered with enthusiasm. Target was the holy grail of everything but you always seem to spend to much money in there.

Soft, white snow fell from the sky creating a noise canceling blanket over the ground, some sticking to the large windows of the BAU.Snow was one of your only good memories, it would drain out negative sounds and wrapped you in comfort while drinking a hot beverage. Now that you were with Spencer presently it created new, more happy memories before things would turn to shit.

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