"Better fix him, or I will kill you!!" Joong angrily said to me, then he walked inside a room and closed the door harshly. Zee went near me. He held my shoulder before speaking

"Please help us fix him. I don't know what I will do with him anymore. He keeps on finding you!! Day and night, he runs and looks everywhere for you!! He is about to go crazy. Did you know that he was involved in a motorcycle accident to find you!! He doesn't care about his safety, and all he can think about is you!! Thankfully! He only got minor injuries and bruises because I don't know what we will do to you if we lose him!! He is like my brother!! I don't care what happened between you two, but if it's because of what we did to you!! I'm sorry about that!!" Zee said to me. He looked sincere!! Accident?? Is this why he sad some bandages on his elbow and hands.

"Why are you saying sorry to this guy!! He doesn't deserve." Boun is speaking, but Zee didn't let him finish

"Boun!! This is for Damon!! Besides being our leader, he is also our friend and our sworn brother!!! You don't want your friend and brother to go crazy, right??" Zee said, sounded like he is giving warning to him. Boun just shut up and look away and go into the room after closing the door behind me. Zee faces me again

"Go to him, Ace!! GO and help him!! I'm not asking you to agree to be with him again, but please help me fix him. We don't want to lose him. That man had suffered so many hardships in life already. Please don't ever add up on it." Zee seriously said and left me. I looked at Damon, who is still sitting on the floor with his eyes close. He was holding a beer bottle. Actually, they are more than ten bottles of beer on the floor. Don't tell me he drank all of that. I did my best to pull some courage to run to him.

I drop on the floor to face him!! His face looks so tired and gloomy. His eyes bags are showing too. Oh god!! Babe!! What did you do to yourself? I gradually held on to his face. I really missed him so much!! This beautiful manly face is the best face for me, God!! I miss you so much, babe.

I can help but to start crying again.

"Babe!! I'm sorry for putting you into this situation!! I'm really sorry for hurting you!! I love you so much, but I can't be selfish with you!! I'm really sorry!! Please forgive me!! or please just move on from me. I can't have you!! I can't ever have you!! Please let go of me." I was just caressing his face when suddenly he woke up.

The frown on his forehead is showing. He is trying so hard to wake up it seems that he doesn't know I'm here already because he is not looking at me yet, but when he does, He suddenly forms a very shocked look on his very face.

"OH, GOD!! You're here!!" he shockingly said, then he suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. I can hear the loud noise coming from the bottle he was holding on earlier being thrown somewhere

"Baby! You're here!! You're finally here!!" He repeatedly said he sounded like he couldn't believe that I'm here.

"I'm here, babe!! I'm here!!" I said to him.

We continue to hug each other for I don't know how long.















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