FIFTEEN. | Trying To Crack The Egg

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Everybody got up late on Boxing Day. Rubbing the sleep and glitter out of their eyes, students dragged themselves out of their rooms. The Gryffindor common room was much quieter than it had been lately, many yawns punctuating the lazy conversations.

Things were awkward between the quartet. Ron and Hermione seemed to have reached an unspoken agreement not to discuss their argument. They were being quite friendly to each other, though oddly formal. Celeste and Harry weren't angry at each other either more, but whenever their eyes met there was this connection that wasn't there before.

Ron and Harry informed Hermione and Celeste about a conversation they had overheard between Madame Maxime and Hagrid during the ball, but they didn't seem to find the news that Hagrid was a half-giant nearly as shocking as Ron did.

"Well, I thought he must be," Hermione said, shrugging. "I knew he couldn't be a pure giant because they're about twenty feet tall. But honestly, all this hysteria about giants. They can't all be horrible. It's the same sort of prejudice that people have toward werewolves. It's just bigotry, isn't it?"

"Yeah, Hagrid and my Pa are pretty much treated the same way. The only difference is Giants don't need to shapeshift to terrify others," Celeste sighed thinking of her father.

Instead of any comeback, Ron chose to remain silent. It was a smart choice.

It was time now to think of the homework they had neglected during the first week of the holidays. Thankfully, Celeste and Hermione had knocked out most of their work at the beginning of the break. However, there was another issue that was looming. The second task.

You see, Celeste was right to warn Harry about not procrastinating. Because you see the trouble was, February the twenty-fourth looked a lot closer from this side of Christmas. Harry still hadn't done anything about working out the clue inside the golden egg. All the other champions were steps ahead.


The first day of the new term arrived quickly, and Celeste and Hermione were quickly walking the grounds in a rush. Snow was still thick upon the grounds, and the greenhouse windows were covered in condensation so thick that they couldn't see out of them in Herbology. Nobody was looking forward to Care of Magical Creatures much in this weather. Perhaps the skrewts would probably warm them up nicely. Right before they burn someone or set Hagrid's cabin ablaze.

When they arrived at the cabin, they were confused to find an elderly witch with closely cropped gray hair and a very prominent chin standing before his front door. Students looked around in confusion at the new professor. Gryffindor students looked nervous, while the Slytherins were nowhere to be found. Minutes passed and the Professor was looking around for missing students. Hermione and Celeste realized it was Ron and Harry.

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