Joining the Pride Lands

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Adelaide, who was holding Audre, and Abiola followed the other animals to Pride Rock. They noticed a cub had just been born. They bowed as well then made their way up the rocks.

Zazu noticed them and flew up. "Sire!" Simba and them looked over then Simba got ready, growling.

Abiola got in front of his wife. "We come in peace, your Highness. I'm Abiola and this is Adelaide, who is holding our daughter, Audre." Simba looked at her and Nala nudged him. He looked at Nala then stood straight. "What brings you to the Pride Lands?" She went over to them. "We left our old pride. Our king was horrible. I am a White Lion while my girls are Black Lions. We came to ask to join your pride." She looked at Simba, "I think we should. They seem like lovely lions."

Simba nodded and smiled at Abiola. "You are welcomed into our pride." Abiola and Adelaide bowed to them. "Thank you." Adelaide set Audre down. "We had her on the way here. Audre is just like her father with her color... but with a white tail." Nala went over and smiled. "She's beautiful. We just had our first child, Kiara. She will be future queen." Adelaide smiled, "how lovely. She is beautiful as well."

"Welcome to the Pride Lands."

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