Chapter 16

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I ate the food, I didn't realize how I hungry I was until I saw the food. I haven't eaten anything since morning and I gobbled on the Italian dinner in front of me. I am thankful that he ordered I wouldn't have thought to order it myself.

I was sitting at the window looking the city outside. Rome is beautiful. I wish I could go out and see.

The door is not locked.

A weird thought came to my mind. He is not here. What if I go out for a bit. I wont go far but atleast I could see Rome a little. How Sage, you dont have any money. A fact, my inner conscience reminded me. I don't have money but I could just go on a stroll. I looked at the time and it's past midnight. Doesn't seem so safe to go on a stroll, what if I forgot the route, how will I come back and I don't even know much Italian to talk to locals. What if he came before me. No! I am not risking that. If that happens then this will be the last stroll I would ever take. I drove that thought away that could get me killed.

It's strange how lifeless I feel still I am afraid to die. We humans. No matter how much we wish to die or even go to the extend of trying to die yet when the moment comes and we realize life is slipping from our hands and death is taking over, we fight with all our might to hold on to that one teeny tiny hope, that one strand that kept us alive.

I have slept enough so I don't have to sleep now so I kept looking down the window and hours passed. A vehicle halted in foyer and my husband came out. Came out a blonde with him. So did Matteo with another. I saw that girl getting frisky with Azriel. She snaked her arm around him and I see it progressing towards a kiss but they entered inside I guess since I couldn't see them.

I laughed at the fact that it gave me strange pain. Why? He and I don't have any relationship. Why seeing him with someone else is hurting me. Not that he had any feelings for me neither do I have except for fear of him yet I felt a pang inside me.

I guess he won't be coming back tonight but then the door knob turned. Don't tell me he is bringing her here, a thought came to me as the door opened but to my surprise he was there alone. Strange. He came in without sparing me a glance as if I don't exist. Not that I do much in his life. He looked exhausted.

He went inside the bedroom and came out changed for the night. The shirt was gone and it was just his sweat pants and God he has a chiseled physique of a Greek God but what are these at his body. Are these scars? There were few marks like the knife cuts and even a bullet scar, was he ever got shot? I never heard that story.

"Keep a picture, it will last longer" he said making his drink and my eyes widen that he knew that I was staring at him. I quickly bend my head down. He kept his whiskey on the coffee table and said "Go sleep, its late." He said and I was fidegting my fingers. The thought of spending the night with him was making me hell nervous. "Since you tend to have a habit of oversleeping I suggest you go ahead because we have to leave by 8 tomorrow" he said taunting me for I overslept today. Seriously why he always condescend me.

I avoided his comment and said what I have been meaning to say to him "Th-thank yo-you for hel-helping me with Matteo and for-for the fo-food too." I said softly to him. I know he said that he will decide who will touch me but I am relived that it's not Matteo and yet he hasn't let any harm come to me.

"Take the bed, I will sleep on the couch" he said blankly without acknowledging my thanks. "No, yo-you don't ha-have to, I-I-I can sle-sleep on the couch you-yo-" before I could complete my offer I fell to the ground as his hand hit my right cheek. The pain was even more than the first time he hit me.

I was too shocked as to why he slapped me, what I did. I was too shocked to even turn and look at him. I felt him crouching down and he brought my face to his side by fisting my hair. He pulled them so hard that I almost screamed. His eyes met mine "You do what I say, you don't tell me what to do. Your job is to obey me. Always. Don't ever forget that." He said in his deep voice. "Understood?" He asked in a voice stricter than how he warned Matteo. "Ye-yes und-understood" I stuttered. I was still too surprised to react. He left me with a jerk and went back to his drink.

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