Ben x Alex

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TW: Mentions of sexual assault

-Third Person-

Alex got bored just sitting around doing nothing, so he decided to go on a walk to maybe clear his head and enjoy the fresh air. "I'M HEADING OUT!" he yelled to his family which earned him ok's and whatever's from whoever was there. He was walking randomly not thinking about where he was going and walked into an alley, thinking he heard something, he looked around a little but found nothing. 

Soon enough he was pushed into the wall and had a needle in his neck "what the hell..." was all he could muster up from the confusion as to why he lost all feeling in his body almost instantly. "Looks like I got myself a cute one this time" the creepy guy says while licking Alex's cheek, the worst part about this entire thing is that he couldn't do anything about it he couldn't even call for help it's like his body shut down.


Ben was on his nightly walk just wondering instead of going on a certain path this time, he stopped by the cafe to get a drink and warm up a little. He stayed there for a good 20 minutes before he went back out again bored of what was in there, he texted Alex hoping he would be up to hang out for a little. When he didn't text back he called and still got no reply, it was at this moment he thought for it great to panic. He called everyone he knew and was walking around again, no one had seen him, he was on the call with Gray when he turned and looked down an alley seeing someone pinned up against the wall, he recognized it as his Gogo immediately.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" is what I hear someone at the end of the alley yell, I couldn't see them because they were blurry but the guy in front of me seemed to know who they were. Everything was mushed together I couldn't understand anything until I hear the guy whisper something in my ear "nighty night.." before putting a cloth over my face. I knew exactly what it was, I tried fighting the chloroform off but I couldn't, the last thing I remember is the guy getting hit really hard and falling to the ground.


I look down at the guy that had their hands on my gogo, he backs away in terror "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" I yell at him, he nods and leaves in a hurry. I look around and find my Gogo on the ground "what the hell happened?..." I ask myself, I pull him into my lap and run my fingers through his hair. I check for injuries and notice a small puncture on his neck with hickeys as well, I swear I ever see that guy again i'm killing him. 

What did he do to him to make him like this because I know for a fact that Gogo wouldn't give in that easy, I sigh deciding it has something to do with the puncture mark on his neck and pick him up bridal style taking him to my house. I call his parents and tell them he is staying at mine tonight, then wait for him to wake up so I can find out what happened.


I slowly open my eyes and realize I have feeling in my body again, but also notice I am not in my house. I look around and recognize it as Ben's room "what the hell?..." I rub my temples because of a headache probably from the chloroform. I hated it, someone opens the door and walks in "finally, it took you forever to wake up, I thought you were going to die" I feel arms around me and instantly know who it is, hugging him back.

Ben pulls away after a minute or two "gogo...what happened in the alley before I got there?" I freeze up a little and fiddle with my hands "um...well...I-uh..." he sighs. I look at him "I already saw you neck so i'm guessing he kissed you too?" I nod and he continues "did he touch you". I shake my head because i'm too afraid to talk, but he probably knows i'm lying. I look down biting my lip, I soon hear him growl a little and lay back on the bed not wanting to hear him get angry right now. He seems to notice my behavior and puts aside his anger for the moment.


I'm going to kill him if I ever see the bastard again, I growl and gogo lays back onto the bed looking uncomfortable, so I push my anger back for now. I look at him apologetically and he just stares blankly at the wall, I lay down and hug him again. He instantly hugs back and buries his face into my neck, I feel the urge to kiss him growing the more I think about him, I pull back and he looks at me confused as I lean in and kiss him.

-3rd Person-

Alex Slowly kisses Ben back remembering who it is and that he has had a HUGE crush on him ever since he can remember. Ben moves his hands to Alex's hips as he puts his arms around Ben's neck deepening the kiss. Ben breaks the kiss and whispers in Alex's ear "tell me when to stop and I will" Alex nods and Ben moves to his neck.


Ben moves to my neck and marks over the original hickeys that the random guy gave me, he then moves around my neck kissing, biting, and sucking everywhere. He hits a spot just below my jaw on the right side of my neck "ahhh~" he smirks and keeps hitting that spot I moan louder and grab at his hair. I turn my neck so he has more access to that spot, he gets the hint and sucks and bites harder, he kisses up to my ear and whispers "may I take off your shirt?" I nod as his hot breath sends shivers down my spine.

He takes off my shirt moving his hands up my hips to my chest and off my arms and after the shirt is off back to my hips, then kisses me again slowly. He moves his hands down and pulls at my jeans I shake my head into the kiss, he instantly moves his hands back to my hips and after about 10 minutes he pulls back "we should get some sleep".


I tell Alex we need to get some sleep and he nods groggily, I smile at him and lay down pulling him onto me. He puts his face into the crook of my neck and falls asleep almost instantly, I pull him closer, sigh contently, and fall asleep next to him.

AN: tadaa! this is just going to be a side thingy that is just there I probably won't update that often but here ya go

I'm going through and editing my mistakes


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