As Dazai kept looking around at the mess that surrounded them he spotted Mori with tears in his eyes just standing, Elise was not in sight and Fukuzawa had a hand on his shoulder. Kouyou kept her silent weeping as Yosano showed up with her bag. Her butterfly piece was covered in blood along with the rest of her outfit.

She had tears in her eyes as she tugged on Dazai’s broken arm. “I’m sorry. My ability won’t work on him…”

He looked quickly at the chibi’s body. “I-I...I stopped him….He should have stopped. Where- Where is his hat?!” He worriedly tried to search for it on the ground before Yosano grabbed ahold of him.

Yosano let out a shaky breath before going over to Kouyou’s side. “His ability was killing him slowly….”

Kouyou was crying tears as she hugged Chuuya closer. “It wasn’t his ability…” She glanced at Dazai with a sad and desperate look. “It was Arahabaki. Chuuya Nakahara is - was, he was a vessel for the god of destruction…”

Dazai glanced back at Kouyou and Yosano. He spoke with almost a whisper, “The chibi here, he’s a clone of the real one. Arahabaki was killing him from the inside..”

Yosano let out a gasp of surprise as she looked back up towards the Port Mafia, “The Port Mafia was like a huge family, just like the Agency. I’m sorry….I’m sorry for your loss.” She bowed to Mori with a reluctant glare and walked out of view. The debris and dust covered most from the sight of Chuuya’s dead body so only a few could see what had happened.

Kouyou silently followed Yosano, her eyes red, puffy, and still crying. Now it was just the Chibi’s cold body and Dazai. Those bright blue eyes were closed and his hat was nowhere to be found, his orange hair was mattered with dirt and blood. His outfit was violently ripped up from the force of Arahabaki’s chant, the many scars that he got from missions were showing through Dazai’s ripped bandages.

The ex-mafia member grabbed a sharp object from his pants pocket.

It was a knife. “If only you waited, we could have done a double suicide with me….remember all the times you were drunk? We would flirt and flirt….” His voice was soft when he talked to Chuuya.

He looked around, everything was covered from the debris and dirt. He flicked the knife open. All he could hear was the sobbing from everyone around them. Then it fell silent and nothing could be heard, the sobbing from others couldn’t be heard, it was like they were in a whole other world.

“I love you..” were the only words he said before bringing the sharp object to his neck and sliding it along.

A few hours later the fallen debris was cleared and the dirt was moved. Shouting could be heard. Hirotsu, with crying eyes, came in view of the two bodies and alerted Mori and Fukuzawa immediately. Hirotsu let out a shaky breath and then walked away as he left the two.

Mori put a hand to his mouth. He’s looking at the powerful Double Black, now gone and bloodied. “Dazai committed suicide.”

Fukuzawa had tears watering his eyes. He sighed deeply trying not to imagine Dazai’s last words. “They are both dead...we lost powerful ones. We should alert the others and get this cleared up before anyone else sees this misfortune.”

Mori let out a sigh as he examined the bloodied knife a few feet away from Dazai’s corpse. “Yes, we should..”

Fukuzawa turned away from Mori, “Chuuya was going to be the next Port Mafia boss if I’m correct?”

Mori let go of the knife as he looked up at Fukuzawa from the ground. “Yes, he would have been a good one too. He and Dazai always bickered and nagged but that was them showing that they loved each other.” He got up and walked close to Fukuzawa.

Fukuzawa raised his eyebrows out of shock and confusion. “Loved? They loved each other?!”

Mori looked at the sky, the wind was blowing the dust away from the ground. The sun was shining from behind a cloud. “They always flirted but never realized it. They couldn’t live without the other, that is why Dazai decided to commit suicide. He couldn’t live without Chuuya by him.”

Fukuzawa looked back at the two bodies and gave a sad look to the man beside him. “If they loved each other then why didn’t Chuuya follow?”

Mori looked back up to the sky before letting out a shaky breath. “Betrayel, he felt betrayed but he also loved and was loyal to the Mafia. I guess we gave him a place to call home."

Fukuzawa stayed silent as they watched the cleanup crew put Dazai and Chuuya in body bags and loaded them both into black vans. Elise was now beside them both with tears streaming her eyes.

A few feet away from the rubble laid a hat. A hat that belonged to the ex- Executive, the chain had clumps of dirt in it and the red band placed around the hat was covered in blood.

Elise was the one who found it while searching for others. Her blue eyes were now sadder than before as she picked it up and hugged it close to her chest.

Her voice wasn’t annoying and loud but soft as she spoke in a whisper.

“Chuuya-nii, I found your hat..”

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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