girl in the mirror

50 9 1

I hated myself,
I hated the way my heartbeat in my chest,
The way my chest would rise and fall
With every unwanted breath I took,
I hated the way my eyebrows would furrow together if I was confused,
I hated the way my eyes got darker when I cried,
I hated the way my pupils dilated when I saw someone I loved,
Making me vulnerable and defenseless,
I hated every little thing about myself,
But when I looked in the mirror and stared at my reflection,
The hatred that once was just a little flame
Grew into a blazing fire,
I didn't like the person standing in front of the mirror,
I hated her,
I stared at the girl in front of me
She looked like me,
But she was just another figure,
Just a replica of myself,
But I wished I was the girl in my reflection,
Oh how I would do anything to be her,
I hated that she didn't have to go through the trauma I went through,
I hated that she didn't have to deal with the constant weight I carried on my shoulders,
I despised the girl i saw in the mirror,
I hated seeing my reflection every time,
Seeing the girl I could never be,
I wanted to punch the mirror,
Anything to get her out of my view,
I hated her
But the hatred also came with jealousy,
I was jealous of the girl I saw,
Jealous that she was just a better,
More pure version of me,
I hated her
because she was everything I wasn't.


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