
112 19 3

He was just a young boy,
A boy who has already been through a lot.  
He was only twelve,
Yet experienced more trauma than a legal adult,
He absorbed the trauma,
Swallowed the pain,
Then kicked his way slowly back to the surface
Before he could drown,
He kept everything to himself
Because he didn't think anyone could help,
He was just a young boy
Trying to be happy,
But he was drowning,
He wasn't aware of the anchor attached to his ankle,
Constantly forcing him under the water,
His thoughts were closing in on him,
As the anchor kept pulling him down,
His oxygen was running out,
He had no one to talk to,
No one to listen,
So he let his thoughts take over,
He let the anchor take control,
And he soon ran out of oxygen,
He didn't know he was drowning,
He didn't know that water was slowly filling his lungs,
He didn't know that people were trying to pull him out of the water,
Trying to detach the anchor,
But it was too late,
Because he was already at the bottom of the ocean floor.


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