"They are a Sin, they are dangerous," I remind him warily, careful of his reaction. One wrong word and I could ruin the bond and connection we are growing between us.

Something devious glitters in his eyes. "And I'm not?"

"That's different..." I break off, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of telling him I'm less afraid of him then any of his siblings.

"Is it? You're standing before me, willing to work with me, and I'm a Sin," he comments mischievously. He wants me to admit that I trust him, but I'm not sure I'm ready to divulge that yet, even if the look that has passed over his face is making me shift from foot to foot anxiously.

"If you wanted to kill me, you would have already," I remind him blandly. A spike of fear flutters through me as the thought of him deciding in this moment to kill me. "What's to say this Sin won't?"

"Sin's don't just kill everyone in their path, Amolet." He hands me the hot drink, which I take into my hands gratefully. I don't even hesitate taking a sip from it, enjoying the warmth and sweetness. "And there is no chance I would allow any harm to come to you, don't worry."

I clear my throat, tearing myself away from his intense gaze. Don't react.

"Why do you need their help?"

"I need a plan on how to deal with Noah and his sidekick," Cian mutters, leaning back against the counter, arms folded over his chest.

"I think Stace is more than a sidekick." I think about the elusive, ethereal being that is Stace. I have no idea where he has come from, but it's not from this world. He is uncomfortably taller than me, and his tattoos seem to move if I glance at them a certain way. Whatever his motives are, I'm starting to think they aren't good.

"Maybe you should avoid him. He's very dangerous." Cian's tone suddenly goes cold, as he brushes past me and out of the kitchen again. Sighing, I follow him, setting my drink down on the counter.

"It feels as though he comes into my life whenever he pleases, I can't escape him," I mutter.

Cian turns to me, holding out his hand. "Alright, are you ready?"

I pause, staring at his bare skin, tucking my hand behind my back. Just because Cian has assured me that he would take care of me and ensure no harm comes my way, I still don't want to step foot into the Immortal Realm, at least not yet.

"Wait...Maybe you should find out whether Abella truly is alive or dead," I say.

"She has to be alive." A darkness seems to seep over the both of us at the mention of Abella's name. Even though she rejected him, even though she chose another man over him, I can tell Cian still loves her. Were it not so obvious on his face, I would have assumed he wasn't capable of love, as a Sin. But he is willing to kill for this girl. I'm waiting for the day someone will love me as much as Cian has loved Abella.

"I'll go, I'll figure it out," I offer.

Cian tilts his head back and forth. "How will you do that?"

"I'll get it out of Stace if I have to." Stance has no idea that I've decided to side with Cian, so he may still be open to divulging information to me, especially if he thinks I'm close to turning against him. "I think he will tell me."

"How can you be so sure?" Cian questions.

"I get the impression he wants to do the right thing," I reply simply. I truly do think he wants to do the right thing, although that theory may be in jeopardy if I find out he knows that Noah is lying about who killed Abella. I'm secretly hoping Stance is a good guy, since the thought of being his adversary is terrifying.

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