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Chris' POV: I'm watching a movie with Katie while Tucker is asleep because we've had a rough day. He's been sick today and we've been up wide awake all night. We're just getting into the details when my phone starts ringing loudly. "Chris, put the volume down!" Katie whisper-yells. I nod and put it on vibrate and was about to ignore it until I saw who was calling. It said, "Incoming call, Layne:]" She never calls unless I call her, even though we are best friends. 

"I'm sorry, let me just see what she wants and see if it's important." I tell Katie. I walk to the room farthest away from Tucker and answer. "Hey, everything ok? You never call anymore." I joke. "Chris, I know you're probably busy but I need serious help." She's crying. The last time she's cried in front of me is when she fell down some stairs and dislocated her shoulder, so this has to be bad.
"Hey, what's up?" I say. "Chris, my boss just fired me. Since I work with Brian, he said there was too much drama between us, and they had to fire one of us and they picked me. I can't be unemployed, and I don't know of anywhere that gives jobs that I can get in a few days and I need money for rent and my car and everything-" She has to stop for a breath, "I don't know what to do." She squeaks. 

Brian is Layne's ex. They dated and then had some argument and broke up but the tension is horrible. They met at work and still had to work together after they broke up. "Hey, um, you can edit great right? I know you can. What if I get you an interview with Jimmy, and I can try and get you a job as a editor for MrBeast?" 

"Oh my God really? Thank you so much! Ah, I can breathe I might get a job!" She says. "Of course, Lay, anything for my girlie." I hang up and get kind of hyped. If I can get her this interview and it goes well, then I can see her every day! We usually see each other like once a month, and every day sounds so cool. I smile and go back to watch the movie. "Hey, so what was all of that? You look giddy." Katie says. 

"Yeah, Layne lost her job, so I told her I'll get her an interview to work with MrBeast for an editor! We could see her like everyday!" Katie smiles. "That's so cool! Not her loosing her job, but working with you! She's so sweet and I could hang out with her more!" Katie loves Layne. Really, since I introduced Katie to Layne, they have became really good friends. I'm happy they are friends.

Jimmy's POV: I've been brainstorming ideas for the channel, and I've come up with doing another series of parts to make one large video, or do one where we fill Karl's or Chandler's house with slime and then give then a new one. They are all similar to our others, and I'm trying to think of something different. I check then time and notice I've been trying to think of ideas for two hours. I need a break. I go and get my phone and see three missed calls from Chris. I call him back. He picks up on the second ring. 

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Chris asks.
"Uh, sure."
"Can Layne be interviewed to see if she could be a good editor? We need one and she's really good and needs a job."
"Um, sure. Tell her tomorrow at 11am will work fine." 
"Aw, thanks dude! She's gonna freak!"
"Yeah, of course, bye man." 

Ok, to be honest, I barely know Layne. I've never talked to her and I don't even know what she looks like, but Chris talks about her sometimes and she seems cool from what he's said. 

Like one interview won't hurt, right?

-Time skip to 11AM the next day-

Layne's POV: Chris just called me and said 11am today to be at the warehouse for an interview. I get into a nice outfit and actually put makeup on. I'm so excited. I drive over there and get there with 2 minutes to spare. I see Chris talking to what looks like Karl, one of the shortest crew members but still giant compared to me. I've never met him or any of the crew for that member but I watch every video. "Christopher!" I say, knowing how much he hates that name. "AY, Layne!" He comes over and hugs me. 

Karl's POV: Oh my God whoever this is she's so pretty. I don't usually think this right when I see a girl but Jeez she's like insanely pretty. I want her to be my friend, like really bad. Wait why is she here? I'm gonna literally annoy Chris so much with questions about her.

Layne's POV:  "Ok, the back room where Jimmy will interview you is in the back, ok? Just take a left behind the slime pool." Chris says. I laugh and nod. I see Karl kinda just staring at me. "Oh, hi, sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Layne, nice to meet you." I say and put out my hand. Karl stares at it for a second before he says, "Hi, I'm Karl, nice to meet you too!" He shakes my hand. 

He's kinda shy, cute. I say bye to Chris and Karl and run to the back where he said. I knock on the door that says, "Office room" written on it in what looks like Sharpie. These guys are different. 
"Come in!" I hear a voice that sounds like Jimmy's. I walk in and get ready for the interview. 

First, we just talk about my skills is editing and other things. I say I'm good at editing, anything creative or artistic, dancing, and that I can beat Minecraft. Then we talk about talents, things about myself, how much I would get paid, and how well I do with other people. It goes really smoothly and I don't stutter once. I'm really proud. 

"Ok, Layne, I can't be positive but I think you got the job. BUT, I wanna see how good you interact with the crew, including editors, camera people, and Chandler and Karl." Jimmy says. I nod and smile widely. "So, I want you to come by tomorrow and edit this one video we just recorded. I will tell you certain points that I want you to keep, and you know how our videos look so keep it similar to that. You will meet all the behind the scenes people from editing. I will also introduce you to the crew and we will go somewhere and hang out, see how well you do with the main crew. How about 10am tomorrow?" He asks. "Of course, Mr. Donaldson." I say. 
"No, don't say that! Call me Jimmy, you're older than me after all." He says. I nod and smile for like the 100th time today. I leave the office and run to Chris and hug him. 

"Ahh I might get the job! Jimmy says I'll hang out with y'all tomorrow and edit a video to see how well I do!" I tell Chris. "YES LAYNEEE!" He hugs me back. I didn't even notice the taller guy sitting next to him that I recognize as Chandler. "Oh, sorry I was so excited I didn't even notice you. Oh, that sounded mean. But hi, I'm Layne, nice to meet you." I put out my hand and Chandler does the same thing that Karl did, and looks at my hand before talking. "Hi, I'm Chandler and I'm a crew member." He shakes my hand. I laugh and say, "Yeah, I know, I watch MrBeast videos." He nods and then I go back to talking about the interview to Chris, not noticing I just hurt Chandler's feelings.

Chandler's POV: Wow, Layne. I've never heard that name before, but I know I like it. She's so pretty too. Aw man, I'm already simping for someone that I met like 30 seconds ago. I was so awkward talking to her, but I still liked it. Then she just turns her back to me and talks to Chris. It hurts my feelings, I guess she doesn't want to talk to me. Oh well, I'm gonna try, even though I don't know her. 

Jimmy's POV: Oh my God Layne's cool. Like super cool. If she's on the crew I would be so happy, and I think she will accept the offer. Everything that she told me is impressive, she's sweet, never interrupted, and is really pretty to top it off. For me it felt like an honor to talk to her for some reason. Aw man, this is going to be so awkward though if I got a crush on her. I think I do, honestly I don't know anything about feelings. I have to make it professional because I'm her boss but I'll still be her friend. Is it weird that I already don't like the word 'friend?'

A/N --- AHHH this chapter was kind of rushed but not right? A lot happened and the title is starting to make sense, right? Hope yall like it, questions about chapters in the comments. 

Have a good day and remember to stay hydrated!!!

ps: Maddy and Jimmy are not together in this story.

the bois (JimmyxOC, KarlxOC, chandlerxOC) (discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant