???: Hey Mongrel have you seen a certain white haired boy with a red and brown eyes?

Is he talking about Haruka? He looks so serious. What is he planning to do?

Y/n: Umm... No I haven't?

???: Hmph, useless mongrel.

Then he walks away. Honestly I wanted to punch him in the face but decided to gold back since I don't know much about him. I should stop coming across random weird people. I then went to my room and saw the boys there. Haruka on his phone talking to someone, Taylor being toxic while playing Apex Legend, Jonathan sleeping soundly and Dante reading a book about some kid becoming a wizard and going to a wizard school. I then went towards the bed and Haruka said his goodbyes and hang up the phone.

Y/n: Oh yeah, Haruka someone was looking for you.

Haruka: Who?

Y/n: Some weird blonde with red eyes.

Haruka: .... What did you say?

Y/n: What did you do?

Haruka: Touche.

Y/n: But that's not even-

I saw Haruka jump out the open window. I sighed knowing he will survive but will have a few broken bones. Today is really slow and nothing much is really happening. I then went into our kitchen and grab myself a soda on the fridge while waiting for my stream to begin. Nothing much is happening.


(Playing Among us with Haruka, Jonathan, Taylor, Dante, Amelia, Gura, Calliope, Kiara, Ina)

*Emergency meeting*

Ina: So what's up?

Calliope: I think Haruka is sus.

Haruka: Why me?

Calliope: Because I saw you go to one room and exit it without doing anything inside!

Jonathan: Yeah, she has a point.

Taylor: Okay so we are voting Haruka?

Haruka: No! vote Calli!

Y/n (Imposter): Naw she right.

Gura: Ooh~ his having a mental breakdown.

Amelia: Yeah I saw a lot of culprits have mental breakdowns before confessing or getting caught.

Haruka: Okay First of all that is all Movie and Video games and second I am not the imposter! I accidentally went to the wrong room.

Dante: Yeah Haruka is sus right now.

Kiara (Imposter): Okay let's vote Haruka!


Skip- 1

Haruka: 9

Haruka: ... I hate you all.

(Playing Tekken with Taylor)

Taylor: You think you can beat me with Lars? Hah! I am a pro using Heihachi.

Y/n: We will see about that!


Mexican Jesus: OMG! That was close!

Deliha: Woah!

Icewalow come: That's so cool!

Tess tickle: My man is still in the game!

Taylor: Hah! Imma send you to heaven after this!

Y/n: ... D*** being it on pretty boy!

(GTA 5 with Dante and Haruka)

Y/n: Get in the car!

Haruka: Alright! *Gets in car* Now drive!

Dante: Ah! Shoot them!

Haruka: Kill them al- hey is that Sykkuno!? And Rae too!
*Gets out of car and pays lester *

Y/n: Get the f*** back here Haruka!

Dante: A Sh- *Car exploded*

With Haruka

ValalaDante was exploded by ValalaDante

Angelo_Y/n was exploded by ValalaDante

Haruka: Damn..... Anyways!

(Just a Chat)

Y/n: Yeah so... That's that and *Reads superchat* Thanks to Gigguk "All hail the harem king" ..... Umm....

Y/n: So thanks Gigguk? For calling me a harem king.

Somewhere in the universe and inside a cafe

Issei: Achoo!

Haruka (DXD): You okay dude?

Issei: Yeah probably someone saying the word Harem king.

Haruka (DXD: Oh... So is it the usuals?

Issei: Yeah...

Haruka (DXD): Kay. Can we get a vanilla sundae for the formal perv!

Issei: Hey!

Haruka (DXD): Hey it's true.

Issei: .... *Sigh* I hate you sometimes.

Haruka: Hey be glad that I am the only non perv friend you have. Plus you have my master Y/n who isn't a perv at all. BTW how are you with Rias?

Issei: Oh shush you *blushes* and what about you and Shiori!

Haruka: Touche.

Light: So yeah this whole chapter isn't really important but will serve as kind of like a streaming like thing. Oh by the way, I hope I got you guys with the two usernames in the chat.

Deadpool: Light what's this?


Neptune: Bye readers! You'll be seeing a lot of universe with different Y/n in them and more of me and Deadpool in the stories!

The Weeping Angel (Depressed male angel reader x Hololive)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя