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🦋y/n's pov🦋

i never saw tamaki again after he bursted out of my office out of nowhere. later when i found him in my office, i wondered why he was there so early. though he acted rather strange; stranger than his usual self. amajiki's whole body trembled, and when he tried to speak, it was as if something prevented him from doing so. he kept stumbling in his own words, looking down, up, anywhere but my eyes. though before i was able to console tamaki, he left the room without saying another word. and ever since then, i haven't heard from him nor did i see him. it was as if amajiki was deliberately avoiding me, and i couldn't understand why. what could he possibly have to tell me that made him feel so nervous?

the big three and i agreed to have lunch that afternoon, and i was looking forward to seeing tamaki again. i wanted to confront him about that day, and for some reason, i felt nervous myself. perhaps the thought of what amajiki had to tell me scared me. what if it was something serious? but i couldn't let my worries get in the way of finding out the truth.

when i got there, mirio and tamaki were already sitting down, and a few minutes later, nejire wound up here with us. at first it was a bit awkward since neither amajiki or i spoke nor looked at each other, but when mirio started talking, he brightened up the atmosphere like he always does.

"so hey, (y/n)!" mirio proclaimed, "i heard you got your promotion! that's so cool, you know!"

"woah, really?! that's amazing! good for you, (y/n)-chan!" nejire added.

i nodded, thanking the both of them, and around that time our food was brought to our table.

"tamaki. you haven't spoken at all today and haven't eaten anything on your plate. plus, you're quieter than usual," togata pointed out, "you alright, buddy?"

amajiki raised his eyes to meet mine for a split second, and when they did, he quickly brought his eyes down at his food again. he then forced himself to talk to togata, indifferent.

"o-oh. i-i'm fine, mirio. d-don't worry about me, really..."

both hado and togata looked over at tamaki with frowns, and when they turned to me doing the same thing as amajiki, i guess they put two and two together.

"what's going on here?" nejire said as she continuously looked both ways, "i feel tension between you two. something happened, right?"

tamaki flinched while i gagged on my own drink, coughing as i tried my hardest to regulate my breathing again. of course, they ended up making things more awkward for the both of us.

"nejire. let them be!" mirio declared, "i'm sure it's nothing. tamaki and (y/n) must feel tired because of all the work they've put in."

"oh," hado nodded, "that makes sense."

i sighed, relieved i didn't have to explain myself to them in front of amajiki. it was obvious togata knew something was up, and i was glad he picked it up before nejire did. after we finished lunch, the four of us cleared the tables, and i didn't hesitate a second later to speak to amajiki or else i knew he'd slip from my hands.

"tamaki," i called.

hado, being her oblivious and cute self, was about to walk up toward us until togata pulled her away just in time. the two of them hid behind a plant nearby to eavesdrop, but i didn't mind.

"(y/n)!" he stammered, "i-i uh..."

amajiki avoided my eyes completely, but i still kept mine fixed on him.

"tamaki. why have you been avoiding me?"

he winced in place, slouching.

"u-um... i..."

"was it because of what happened back then?"

he frowned even more, disheartened.

"i-i'm sorry, (y/n)... i just," he stammered, "i-i tried to tell you something back there, but i couldn't... by now you must've picked up i'm no good with expressing myself clearly. i-i couldn't with the anxiety anymore... i-i'm no good with these kinds of things..."

"tamaki!" i shouted, "how many times do i have to tell you?!"

when i raised my voice, amajiki looked at me with his indigo eyes, and as i slowly came closer to him, our faces inches away from each other's, tamaki's entire expression changed, and his face turned completely red.

"you're the most gentle, capable and bravest person i've ever met!" i exclaimed, "i've never met anyone like you! you're extraordinarily, tamaki!"

amajiki's entire face brightened as if he were surprised to hear me say that. he blinked twice, gawking at me for the longest time without saying anything.

"d-do you really think i'm... extraordinarily, (y/n)?"

i threw myself onto tamaki as i wrapped my arms around him, making him unable to escape my embrace. because of this sudden hold, his body started trembling (probably because he was anxious at me hugging him), so i held amajiki down by squeezing him a bit more, carefully. and gradually, tamaki's quivering went away.

"of course i do. and i'll say it more than once if it means you'll believe me."

when i raised my head from his chest to meet his indigo orbs, amajiki was already looking at me. the two of us directed our eyes down to each other's lips, and i was so focused on tamaki i had forgotten all about the other two. amajiki lowered his head as i instinctively reached for his lips, but before anything happened, we were interrupted.

"welp! that solves it, then!" togata said out of nowhere, "i'm glad you two finally made up!"

as tamaki and i noticed mirio marching toward us with nejire tagging along from behind, the two of us looked at each other with flustered expressions, cheeks red, and i immediately let go of him. i directed my eyes elsewhere while amajiki tried hiding his face with his arms, both embarrassed.

"m-mirio! n-nejire! w-were you two watching us?!"

"yup!" nejire asserted, "oh. i wasn't supposed to say that, was i?"

a million thoughts ran through my mind of what could've happened between me and amajiki if they hadn't cut us off. would we have kissed? my heart beat accelerated and i started sweating a bit at the thought of kissing tamaki. i even had to put my hands over my cheeks to cool down my face because of how hot i was.

i always thought highly of amajiki ever since i first saw him on tv. he was an exceptional pro hero, and his quirk would undoubtedly lead him to places most heroes could only dream of being. though something sparked within me when i embraced tamaki. seeing him that close made me realize how badly i wanted to hug him ever since we met, and something within me wished there was something more between us.

"we're good," i said as i turned to togata, "we're more than good, actually. right, tamaki?"

i closed my eyes as i grinned happily, leaning closer to amajiki. a smile of his own grew softly on his face, and i could only stare at him like an idiot, amazed at how comforting and embracing amajiki's smirk was. how i wished i could make him smile like that forever.

"y-yeah. w-we are..."

that day, i saw tamaki in a bigger and brighter light than ever before.

🦋butterflies in my stomach🦋 | tamaki amajiki x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now