Chapter 3

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{ Triggers: Killing, blood, abuse, and mean words }

"It's been a while since I see you again, ya know?" He looked at {Y/N}, smiling nicely but to you, you see his smile badly as you wanted to kill him so fucking bad after what he did to you.

As {Y/N} and he goes to his room, his room looked colorful and bright as before you meet him as a friend. His bed is a little messed up as you can tell as well with the rug floor. As he sat down on his bed at the edge, he looked at you, about to sit down on his wooden chair and look at him.

"So, how are you been?" He asked, wanting to know if you are safe or not. "Oh, I'm doing fine, you know?" You looked at him as he nodded "Yeah, I know like usual."

"Hey, I got a question for you?" You asked him as you put your backpack down on the run carefully. "Yeah, what is it?" He looked at him while tilting his head a bit to his right side.

"Why did you leave me?"

He started to get chiles on his back, looking down started to remember that past as he then looked at you. "Ummm, because my mom needs my help for her birthday party."

You didn't trust him of what he said as you pulled closer to him "I'll ask again..."

"Why did you leave me"

He started to get more scared as he is trying to think about what to lie next. You then slapped him hard on his right cheek as you yelled "why?!"

He started to cry in pain and holding his right cheek and looked at you "L-Look, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cheat on you back in the past!"

You then started to chuckled crazy "You left me behind on my fucking birthday, you bastard!" He then falls on the floor and shaking in fear as he looked at you.

You then quickly pulled out your knife and looked at him. "V-Vanny, what are you doing?" He asked with your nickname as you started to stomp his hand hard. He screams in pain as he kept on sobbing.

"Answer my fucking question!" You screamed at him. He looked down "B-Because...I didn't like you at first when I became a dickhead, ok?"

You knew that he is about to say that and you can't believe that Glitchtrap was right. You then started to get on top of him and looked at him.

"I'm sorry, but I fucking hate you."

You lifted your knife with both of your hands and started to stab him on the chest. He stops and started to cough up blood out of his mouth as you keep on stabbing him over, over, and over again.

As you were done, you stood up and put the knife in the backpack, and went back to Glitchtrap in the bushes.

"Oh, you're done already?" He asked, you nodded "Yeah. Done with him."
"Ok, let's go to my place in the wood." He said as he started to teleport to the woods with you.

{To be continued...}

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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