Chapter 18

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Summary: Luca left you alone with Kreacher and this one harmed you when you didn't accept to let him show you the manor.

❌please do NOT read this if you're sensitive with this kind of situations❌

I wanted to include this on the book for personal reasons, and as it gives a lot of confort between Luca and yourself as this will be also important to your relationship with him.


Looking at the braid on the brunette's hair you said "Not my best work, but it looks cute." making a gentle smile.
"So you think I look cute huh?" Luca grinned turning around to face you, still up on the bed.
"Well I would be lying if I said I don't find you cute." you laughed.
"I see, I see." he smiled like he had never before " I'm matching you then, flower.".
"Sure, sure." you also made a big smile "So, Mr. Unique, shall we get going down for breakfast?". He nodded in agreement.

You got on the ground, walked to the bedside table where Luca's chain was laying to pick up this same object.
You noticed how heavy it really was, having to hold it in two hands to keep it balanced on your grip.

"Do you really have to carry this around?! This is really heavy!" you handed it to him carefully, so you wouldn't drop it on the dark wood floor.

"Yes... it tells a story, you know? Also, I think it makes me look cool, in a certain way... What do you think?" he replied.
You sighed-laughed "You do look very cool with it, that's true indeed.".

Once more, he made the biggest smile "Thank you!".
You smiled in response.

Looking in the mirror, you realised you had slept on your daily clothes. You were actually glad no one had changed your clothes... very respectful of them, in your opinion.
You didn't even bother with putting a new set of garments, as you'd get them dirty anyways after one match.

Luca had the same induction as you, as he didn't ask to go change.

"Let's go!" you opened the door which led you to the dorms corridor.


Walking into the dining room you two only saw Kreacher Pierson, it was still early in the morning, so the other survivors were probably either sleeping or still on their rooms. You didn't know much about Kreacher. In fact, all you knew was his name and that he carried a flashlight that could be used to stun the Hunters...
The man grinned as he saw you and you tried to ignore it.

"Good morning, you two!" Kreacher said, standing up.
"Good morning, Mr. Pierson!" you said back, politely.
"Morning, Kreacher." Luca said, dustily.

"D-Did you sleep well?" he asked on a somewhat creepy way.
"Y-Yes, thank you! How about you, Mr. Pierson?" you answered.
"Oh yes, I did." he grinned once again, making you uncomfortable.

Luca ignored his question and went to the kitchen "I can see what we can eat, N/N, I'll be right back!".
"Mhm, thank you!" you said back to Luca.

As Luca walked in the kitchen, closing the door behind him, Kreacher got up, and walked to you quickly. You took a few steps back, as he got near.

"So, Y/N, have you seen the whole Oletus Manor yet?" he got nearer and nearer.

"I-I don't think so..." you were really uncomfortable, taking some more steps back.
He then stopped walking and grinned one more time.
"Kreacher could show you all the Manor, come!".

You stood there in silence for some seconds and then said hesitantly "I- There's no need to, thank you, Mr. Pierson...".
His grin was quickly replaced by an angry look "You don't want to come with Kreacher?! You HAVE to come with me. If you don't, I'll hurt you!" he talked louder and louder.

You flinched and walked back again "W-What?".
You were scared, you wanted it to stop.
"I'm a Philanthropist, and I OWNED an orphanage. You CAN trust me." he put his hand up, threatening to harm you.

"There's no need to do that, please!" you yelled as tears started to form in your eyes.
"Then you WILL come with Kreacher, won't you?" he put his hand higher.
Taking some more steps back, slowly, not wanting him to harm you, you said "Mr. Pierson, thank you for your... kindness, but I don't want nor need for you to show me the Manor, I can find my way around here...".

He was silent for some seconds, a now furious look forming on his face.
"M-Mr. Pier-"

A loud slap noise filled the dining room, followed by the sound of something hitting the ground harshly, and a short pain scream:

Kreacher had slapped you in the face, causing you to fall. He then kicked you very harshly in the stomach. Another pain groan echoed in the room.

"What's going on he-" Luca ran out of the kitchen to find you on the ground, holding your stomach and sobbing in pain.
"Y/N..." his heart fell on the floor with the sight of seeing you hurt. He ran to you, hugging you and burrying your head on his chest, conforting you.

He then looked at Kreacher, who immediately ran as fast as he could to the garden.

Luca's eyes were like a river... ready to turn into a cascade, at this point.

"I-I'm sorry, Y-Y/N..." he had some trouble breathing "I-I will n-never leave you a-again" he sobbed "This is all my fault. It's my fault that you're h-h-hurt" tears started to fall down his cheeks "I knew I shouldn't leave you with that- that son of a b-bitch, and I-I I still did" he cried.

This was different then the pain you experienced on the matches, and Luca knew that. After all, the Hunters are supposed to take you down and after the matches, you'd get better right away, some sort of magic. This kind of pain is... traumatising, to say the least...

Your heart shattered into peaces. It was not his fault and you didn't want him to think that way, EVER.
"L-Luca-" you felt like you were about to throw up, so you quickly covered your mouth, trying to not do it.
Luca quickly picked you up, bridal style, yet being careful to not cause you any pain, and ran to the kitchen, where you could vomit on the old sink.

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