"So they're strong. Whatever." Bucky shook his head, "Come on, let's go."

"No, wait--" Sam went to grab him, tripping over a few metal scraps on the ground. Josephine's gaze flew back to the group, all motion had stopped, all were staring in their direction. "Shit." Sam mumbled.

"Alright." A woman's voice echoed, "Let's move."

Within seconds the truck doors were shut and they were moving. Sam sucked in a breath, "There's another person, in the truck. I think it's a hostage."

Bucky was off in an instant, already out of the building by the time she gathered what was happening. Arms wrapped around seconds later, a mechanical whoosh sounding as she was lifted into the air. She yelped, cursing Sam under her breath. They flew from the building, soaring much higher than the few trucks they had immediately caught up too. Her eyes landed on Bucky, running faster than the first two trucks, managing to leap onto the next one with ease. He unlatched the door and jumped in as if it was nothing.

Sam quickly landed on one of the trucks, letting her go, "Stay here. Hold tight." 

She never got a chance to protest, he was already in the air again. Josephine knelt, wind whipping her hair around. Next time, she'd have to bring a hair elastic, it was getting ridiculous now. 

A crash echoed, glass flying up into the air. Josephine stared wide eyed at the back of the truck as Bucky was hauled up onto the second vehicle. She hadn't noticed anybody on the roof, certainly not anyone with a mask over their face, branded with a red hand over an outline of the earth. 

Two people held him back, throwing a few punches whenever he struggled. Another figure hopped effortlessly from the inside onto the base of the truck, rushing and getting a clean punch to Bucky's face. Josephine froze, pondering if she didn't move, maybe they wouldn't notice her. The shorter figure, a girl she thought, her red hair waving widely as she squared herself up. Redwing buzzed out of nowhere, firing rounds of bullets at her. Instead of being affected by the bullets, she jumped up and grabbed it out of the air, smashing it against her knee. Josephine hadn't known what the two men had meant whenever they referred to the Flag Smasher's as strong, but they were much stronger than she ever could've imagined as Sam came barrelling down towards one of them.

The trucks drove side by side now, she watched as Sam was thrown to the one she remained frozen on. Two other men donning masks climbed up, attacking him as he tried to fight back. Another appeared, eyes landing on her. Josephine shook her head, as if that would make the man go away. He was rather large as he barrelled towards her, grabbing her by her hair and throwing her against him. She kept her mouth shut, taking in a sharp breath as an arm wrapped around her neck. 

"Um," She choked out, motioning to Sam and Bucky as they struggled, "I don't know them."

The man said nothing, only watched the failing fight in front while his grip tightened. Bucky was still struggling against the two that held him, his gaze landed on her, eyes flashing with surprise. Sam made a startled noise, metal glinted off the sun as the figure who went to finish Sam fell back. A shield flew through the sky, returning to its owner in the sky, the new Captain America grabbed ahold of it, hanging out of a helicopter. It flew fairly close to the moving trucks as he leapt onto them, throwing the girl back with his shield. Another man flew from the helicopter, swinging in on a rope, throwing the girl off the vehicle. Josephine sucked in another breath, which was growing increasingly challenging. 

"Sam. John Walker, Captian America." The man nodded at Sam who had regained his control, the man next to him gave the same gesture. "Lemar Hoskins."

Bucky was on longer in restraints as they all began attacking the masked group. Bucky looked less thrilled as John Walker threw the shield, him catching it in a blink of an eye before throwing it back to him.

The grip around her neck faltered, and in a panicked move she ducked underneath the man's hand and swung her leg out. He stumbled back towards the end of the truck, yet she found herself lunging at him before he could regain himself, shoving him off the surface. 

She turned, eyes widening as Bucky and his attacker fumbled to the other truck, she watched as he disappeared down the side. "Bucky!" She yelled, rushing to glimpse him hanging by one of the tires. His metal arm had gouged a line down the side of the vehicle, holding on for dear life as the man wasn't done.

"Josephine!" Sam hollered, "Get outta here!"

She looked around, ducking as an arm swung over her head. "Where! Please, enlighten me!" She yelled back, gasping as a foot connected with her stomach. She fell back, swatting as a man hovered over her. 

"It's rude to hit a lady." She grounded out, "It's rude to hit anyone, actually."

Within seconds, the man was thrown off of her and she was tossed from the truck. She yelled, cursing as she fell back towards the ground. Arms wrapped around her, guiding her away from the truck and into the woods. The ground was hard beneath her as she landed on her side, rolling to a stop in the grass. 

"This has been the weirdest day of my life." She groaned, sitting up. Sam was on his feet, shaking his head as Bucky mumbled something to him. "Is it over, can I go now?"

"No." Sam shook his head, watching as Bucky wandered over and held out his hand. "If someones after us, they'll be after you now."

She accepted Bucky's hand, he pulled her up quickly, wrapping his arms around her. Josephine's brows furrowed, slowly hugging back. This was unlike him, she knew he wasn't a touchy type of person. When he stepped back, his eyes were narrowed. "You're not doing this again."


"This." Bucky huffed, turning to Sam. "You're going home."

Sam rolled his eyes, "You know she's safer with us, right? They know her name, she wasn't in a suit or a mask. They've seen her face, they know who she is."

"I'm not watching her get hurt."

Josephine cleared her throat, "I am right here, you know."

"She handled herself pretty well though, right?"

"Sam." Bucky warned.

He sighed, "Look, what happens if we send her back and they are after all of us? And she's alone."

Josephine crossed her arms, looking between the two men. "I'm staying."

"What?" Bucky questioned.

It was her turn to roll her eyes, "I understand more than ever now, that this is dangerous, but I'd like to stay."


"You're not gonna change my mind." She said, pulling her cardigan tight around her. The white was stained a mix of green and brown, she frowned tapping at one of the buttons. Next time, she would also wear anything other than jeans. Josephine shrugged, pointing in a random direction. "We should get going, shall we?"

Sam chuckled, shaking his head as he lead the way. Bucky gave her a worried look, yet said nothing as they followed Sam. She took a deep breath, wondering if she would regret this decision in the future. Probably, she thought.

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