I saw him as nothing more than that.

"Go ahead, I have to stop by Hailey's" I lied.

"Alright. Be safe." He grabbed his keys and left the room.

He knew if I was going to Hailey's then I'd be okay.

Hailey is someone I met in college, we have a lot of classes together.

Zayn has met her and we became a little three friend group.

I was actually going to my apartment, having to take a bus to get there.

If I told him that he would probably follow me, after the event that happened not too long ago.


I peeked out the back door of the restaurant, making sure Zayn's car was already gone.

It was. Garbage bags laid on the side of the wall of the restaurant, stinking it up.

I looked down the road, making sure there was no cars before I crossed the street.

I walked for half a mile until I finally reached the bus stop. The bus wasn't there yet, so I had to wait on the bench.

I checked my watch on my left wrist, it was 1:47 am.

The next bus was to come at 2 am.

City lights filled my surroundings and people passing by rushing every which way.

"Nnnnnn." A voice groaned suddenly beside me, making me jump.

A blonde-haired boy fell on top of the bench. I backed away.

He layed on his chest, with his arms almost reaching me.

I could barely make out his face, but he was kind of fit.

He lifted his head, his big blue eyes staring at me, almost closing again. His mouth opened in a small o.

I leaned closer to get a better look, and his alcoholic breath made me flinch. He smelled so wasted.

"Kiss....kiss me." he whispered, his eyes closed.

He set his hand on the back on my neck, and pulled me closer to his face. He puckered his lips, making smoochy sounds.

Okay now he was scaring me.

He lifted his other hand on my neck, pulling me closer.

My nose almost touched his nose.

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish breathing in water, his tongue making twists as he did so.

He seemed to be making out with air. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

He let go of my neck and rested his head down on his folded arms. I quickly pulled back, scared that he might grab me again.

He suddenly shook, as if he were having a major seizure. I rushed and tried to hold him down.

"Are you alright?"

I gasped for air. He shook faster and faster. What the heck was going on?

I didn't know what to do.

I was majoring in Nursing but I was only in my first nursing class. They hadn't taught me about seizures.

I turned his body around so he laid on his back, his front facing me.

Remember + Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now