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I ran to the bathroom so I could fix my look before he arrives. My hair was so messy that I had to brush it like three times and then I heard the doorbell ringing. I let out a sigh, tried to calm down because I had been overthinking so much and now I'll get to know the real reason behind his confusing behavior, I was a bit nervous. I went to the door and opened it, immediately noticing that something was off about him.

"Heyo old man, come in" my smile was welcoming and I hoped my cheerfulness will attach to him as well.

"Hi Keigo" he came in and shutted the door behind him. I had been waiting for this for a couple days now, we only met in places where I couldn't do it. I hugged him tightly, as he held my waist and pulled me even more closer. He needs affection just like any other person even if he seems to be distant towards others.

"Mhm, I missed this warmness" I murmured as he was carefully smoothing my side.

"I'm really sorry about the earlier, I'm not used to speaking about things like this" he said while rubbing my back, a bland smile appeared on my face as I looked up to him.

"It's okay, I'm glad you decided to tell me what's going on" his eyes were telling me that he's going through a lot of pain, I hoped it'll help him to talk about it. "Go to the living room, I'm bringing you some water, okay?" he nodded and went to that room while I did the same to the kitchen. I poured water in two glasses and walked to him. I put them down on the table and sat on the couch, kinda close to him. "So what happened today?"

After he drank the liquid, he started to speak.

"Fuyumi wanted us to eat dinner together but Natsuo was arguing with me" he was looking at me as I did the same to him, my face got a little confused. I haven't heard about them but I got a strong feeling that they will be a part of his family.

"Your kids, right?" he nodded and inhaled the air slowly, the exhale sounded sorrowful which made me want to hug him again, but I knew this wasn't the best time to do it.

"Fuyumi is my daughter.. the same age as you... and Natsuo is my son, he's two years younger and you already know Shoto" he was starring at the wall saying these, I knew what was the reason behind his heaviness. I could be his child based on my age. This whole situation was weird a bit.

"Three in total, big fam, huh?" he looked back at me and shook his head. Much bigger family?

"Touya was my oldest son but he... " I heard the pain in his voice, this conversation was getting humping or more like depressing. "I... I was a bad father and he's.. gone" I've never seen him like this before, I descried the world's all guilt in those beautiful eyes. I knew I shouldn't ask details, rather leave it to him what to share and what not to.

It doesn't matter what he'd done in the past. I'll love him anyways.

"I'm really sorry" I didn't know how to react so I said this, he lowered his head, shooking.

"It's all my fault, everything that happened... They had the worst childhood because I was selfish and aggressive, I even made their mom go crazy. I regret everything what I've done, but it won't change anything." he was starring at the ground, his tone filled with guiltiness. "I'm not even worthy to get your love, I don't even know why you love me"

My chest was so heavy, I had to hold my tears back as I touched his hand and moved a bit closer. All he need is love and he'll get it.

"Enji, look at me" he did what I asked, I held both of his hands with mine. "I love you more than anyone, I'll help you with this. You should talk to your kids just like you did to me, they'll appriciate it"

"I'm still the one who abused them. No wonder they don't want me to be the part of the family, only my daughter tries to keep us together... I apologized and I'm trying to change but it never will be enough" that was the point when I realized how much pressure he has to deal with. Not just being the number one hero but trying to be a better person while the past acts are still haunting, it must be hard af. Plus me, his lover who is a man and half of his age, so much trouble at the same time.

"It'll. You're trying hard" I decided to give him a big hug again, hoping it would comfort him, the last thing I want to see is him in pain. "Just give them time, it must be hard for them too, but you are their father, they'll understand you" I kissed his cheek softly, while rubbing his back, he did as me but with my side.

"Thanks Keigo, I love you" he whispered then placed his lips on my forehead, giving me a cute form of affection, I smiled.

"My big guy loves me~" I snuggled against him, I was lost in the tufty and pink mist of love, it also made my heart flutter.

"I thought I'll never find love in my life, but I did" he chose speaking quietly, in a low tone.

Maybe it means that he wasn't in love with any other ever? That's impossible.

"And what about your... you know, the mom of your kids" I asked curiously, he sighed.

"We are divorced, I haven't talked to her for ages... Love wasn't the reason of the marrige" I just nodded in response, it was something which I shouldn't ask more about."Can I stay here?" his question slightly shocked me.

Oh man, he wants to sleep here?

"Maybe, but it has a price" I grinned while looking at his face, I could guess he already knew.

"And what is it?"

"A kiss~" I started to play with his hair, starring at his face which was so handsome and attractive as always. No hesitating, he gave me what I wanted, his lips were so warm and soft, I was the one who broke it before it could get passionate. "Now you can"

A long night was ahead us, we decided to stay up late and speak about a lot of things. I knew this whole family topic is a weak spot so I didn't mention it at all. After a few hours of talking, we managed to fall asleep, I was laying on his chest hearing his equable heartbeat, that was the last thing I remembered before the dreams took my mind.

heyhey !!

i'm trying to continue this story but school makes me stressed. i'll update in a week again, fortunately i have a few chapters already written.

if you liked what you read give this chapter a vote 🥺🥺

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