More than a Friend

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It has been three weeks since I started at the Nine-Nine and I was starting to bond with people. I talked to Charles about different techniques of baking. I teased Jake about his crush on Amy and of course we grew up together. I chatted with the Sarge about his kids. I criticized people's outfits. Captain Holt and I shared similar experiences of being an openly gay person in the NYPD. I mean I wasn't purposely out about it but Hitchcock kept hitting on me and it was starting to creep me out. One day he just wouldn't stop, so I yelled 'I'm a lesbian dude. Back off.' It actually went pretty well after that. I put a little lesbian flag in my pencil holder and people thought it was cute. I bullied Amy over her lack of style and imagination. But there was one person I just couldn't seem to crack. Detective Rosa Diaz. The only desk open was the one across from her so I was assigned to sit therer. It wasn't hard to get on her good side but it wasn't easy either. I bought her coffee a few times, but she said all she drank was herbal tea, so I started bringing her that instead. She also had a little bi flag in her pencil holder. I tried to internet stalk her for ages but I could not find anything, she was a very private person, I mean I the great Gina Linetti could not find anything. Through word of mouth, I learned that she loved Nancy Meyers movies, so one night I stayed up all night watching 'Something's Gotta Give' and 'The Intern'. You might wonder why I would go to such lengths to become someones friend, well I have this completely irrational fear of being disliked.

I had now been at the Nine-Nine for two months and Diaz and I were assigned to tidy the evidence lock up, she seemed to go out of her way to not work with me. Me and Diaz, the one person I hadn't bonded with. Great. When we were assigned the job, she didn't seem thrilled, but she didn't seem disappointed either. I don't know why I care what she thinks so much. I guess I do have an irrational fear of being disliked, and being unsure of what she thinks of me just makes my anxiety grow. 

We started the tidy up on Monday, we worked in complete silence the whole time other than a few times when she asked me to pass her something.

Tuesday was better, we made small talk, even though I know she hates it, and she asked me to stop calling her Diaz and to call her Rosa. I was taken aback because I was so unsure of what she thought of me but this seems like a step in the right direction. We were nearly finished at this point but I was enjoying it so much. We finished Tuesday night.

On Wednesday morning, Jake and Charles pulled me into the break room and asked me how I got on a first name basis with her so quickly. I told them that it was just my charming ways 'Nuh-huh it's Rosa, I didn't get to call her Rosa until six months after working here and we went to the academy together.' Jake said, looking wide-eyed and confused. I shrugged and left, was it really that hard to get on first name basis with her and why was suddenly tolerant of me?

I decided that I, Gina Linetti, the human form of the 100 emoji, was going to confront her. I waited by her motorcycle after work. She approached me looking weary and tired, yet also confused and surprised. 'Gina, what are you doing?' she asked. 'I talked to Jake and Charles this morning' I said. 'Ok and-' 'No let me finish,' I cut her off 'they said that it was near impossible to get on a first name basis with you this fast. Then I thought it's probably because I am the great Gina Linetti, and who wouldn't want to be friends with me, but I quickly remebered that you don't care about that.' 'Gina you're rambling, get to the point.' Rosa interjected. 'I was wondering if you liked me as more than a friend but if not we can forget this conversation ever happe-' Gina was interupted by Rosa's lips on hers. 'Yeah' Rosa said, 'As more than a friend.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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