Mixed Feelings

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(A/N: hey guys, sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was busy. Ill upload a few chapters today and tomorrow. Enjoy!)

Sirius and I wrap up our day at Hogsmeade and decide to meet up with the rest of the group so we can head back to Hogwarts together. We decide to wait near this alleyway for them. After a few minutes on Sirius and I just talking and waiting, we finally see Lily and James. We call them over and talk about what they did. I knew they would do it on their own. We soon see Alice and Frank, behind them is Marlene and Dorcas, and lastly, Mary and Logan. The boys said Peter wasn't feeling well so he was at the school already. They all seemed to have enjoyed their day, and if I'm being honest, so did I. After we all meet up, we head back to Hogwarts. Lily and I trail a bit behind while the others are ahead.

"So Lils, how was your day?" I ask her, while wiggling my eyebrows and nudging her.
"Please don't start, Y/N." Is all she says.
"C'mon Lily, I know you enjoyed it. Just give me the details, I'm dying to know." I tell her.
"It was....pleasant." She says.
"Come on, Lily." I say, trying to get her to talk.
"Fine fine, it was great. He really isn't that bad. And before you say 'I told you so' I know. And before you start asking questions, no. I haven't told him about my feelings." She says. It's like she can read my mind sometimes.
"Dang, you really just took the words right out of my mouth." I say while laughing. She joins.
"How about you and Sirius. How was your date?" She asks, copying my movements from before.
"It was....pleasant." I say, mimicking her words.
"Come on, Y/N." She says, copying me once again.
"Okay fine, it was quite enjoyable. We got to know each other and so far, he isn't the worst." I finished off.
"Safe to say, we unfortunately enjoyed our time with the two most idiotic people on earth." Lily says with a nervous chuckle.
"And sadly, your right." I tell her , while also giving a nervous laugh.

We eventually arrive at Hogwarts. Everyone dispersed and went to do their own things. Mary, Marlene and Alice went up to the dorms, Lily and I told them we would meet later. It was just Me, Lily, and the Marauders. Including Peter, he was waiting for us in the common room. We all just talked about our day. James, and Sirius were eating all their sweets they got from Honeydukes, sharing some with Peter and Remus. Remus just ate all the chocolate though.

"I take it you all had a good day." Peter says, laughing slightly.
"Yea, we wish you were there, mate." Sirius says. That's sweet
"It's alright guys, I wasn't feeling to great. I would just feel worse if I went. But don't worry, I'm better now." Peter tells us.
"Well that good to hear." James says. I love how they all look out for each other.
"So guys, want to play another game?" Sirius suggests.
"NO!" Lily and I say in unison.
"What? Why not?" James ask us.
"Well, uh, Lily and I were just about to go up with the girls. Right Lils?" I say, hoping she will catch on with my lie.
"Right. So we can't play." She says. Thank godric
"Yea. Sorry guys." I fake apologize.

Just as Lily and I were bout the approach the stairs, Sirius pull me aside.

"I'll be a minute Lily, go ahead up." I reassure her. She nods and continues up the stairs.
"What is it, Black?" I ask bluntly.
"I was just going to say that I really enjoyed today. I also wanted to thank you for joining me, even if you didn't want to." He says sincerely.
"You're welcome. I have to say, it wasn't the worst day." I say, trying not to be too nice to him.
"So does that mean you won't hex me?" He says with a smirk, but not his cocky smirk. Just and genuine goofy smirk.
"I guess not." I say, sounding fake disappointed. "Is that all then" I finish.
"Oh, uh, yea. I think so." He says with a hint of hesitation in his voice.
"Okay then, goodnight, Sirius." And with that I quickly walked up the stairs. Trying to be settle but trying to leave as fast as I can.

Sirius' POV:
"...goodnight, Sirius." She said my name. My first name.

"Oí, Pads, you alright there?" James says, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.
"Yea I'm good, mate." I tell him, trying not to sound suspicious or anything.
"You like her don't you." Peter says while smirking.
"What?! No I don't. Peter, shut up." I say, struggling to find a true answer.

I quickly shot a glance at Remus, but he seems to be upset. I wonder why? I wonder if he like Y/N and well. That will suck if he did.

Y/N's POV:

"Oh my, you said his first name?!" Lily shouts.
"Shut it, Lily. He might hear you." I scold at her.
"Oops, sorry. But, you said his first name. This is a big deal." Lily whisper yells excitedly.
"Not really, it's just his name." I say, not give a care in the world.
"Mmmhmm, sure." Lily says while squinting her eyes. After that lovely conversation, we both drifted to sleep.

I wake up to the sun, I turn to look at the clock, and it's 10:30 a.m. Good thing it's Sunday. I can sleep all day and not have to do anything. I look over to find the girls not there. Hm, I wonder were they are. I get ready and change into a simple, but cute outfit. (Besides the necklaces)

After I'm all ready, I finally head down to the common room where I find Lily, and Remus talking

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After I'm all ready, I finally head down to the common room where I find Lily, and Remus talking. Wonder what there talking about.

"He guys, what's going on." I ask politely. Remus shoots his head up and Lily gives me a weak smile.
"Um, I have to go...find the other guys. See you lot later." Remus says quickly, and with that he leaves.
"What was that all about." I ask Lily.
"Oh nothing, anyway, how was your sleep?" She asks. That's a weird question. I decide to go along with it anyway.
"Um, it was nice. How about yours." I answer, then giving her the same question.
"It was lovely, breakfast?" She asks, probably trying to change the subject.
"Yea sure." I answer.

We head to the Great Hall for some breakfast. I see everyone sitting there, including the girls. Remus looks upset though, I wonder what's up with him. We walk up to the table. I decide to sit next Remus, Lily on my other side.

"Hey, you alright?" I whisper.
"Yea, yea I'm good, thanks." Is all he says. Not even looking up at me.
"Oh, alright. Just making sure." I say.
"Thanks." He says , finally looking at me. Giving a weak smile. I hope he's okay.

After we all finish eating, we decide to go back into the common room. We chill for a few hours. It's about 12:15 now and some people went to get lunch. As in Sirius, James, Peter, and the girls. Including Lily. All was left was Remus and I. He still looked sad, and I wish I knew what was wrong. After arguing with myself weather I should ask if he's okay or not, I finally make a decision.

"Remus, are you sure you're alright?" I ask him once again. He doesn't answer. Just as I was about to say something else he finally speaks up.
"Actually Y/N, I have to tell you something."

Caught Up : (Young) Sirius Black x FemReader Where stories live. Discover now