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   I sat on a kid's swing outside. The seat was a bright yellow, but paint chipped off near the center from use. It hung low under my weight and I tiredly swung to and fro, my eyes locked on my phone.

   "Y/N." I looked up to see Swagger, he was breathing heavily, and his voice was ragged. He coughed for a second, and then sat on the ground next to my swing, "Jesus Christ you're a fast runner."

   I fought off a snicker and instead stared at the horizon. I guess part of me wanted to keep up this tough angsty mood. Swagger glanced up at my expression and let out a soft sigh, slowly standing up and walking over to me and sitting on the swing next to me. It made a creaking noise under his weight and he wrapped his hands around the chains and tightened his fists.

   "I know." He said quietly, "I know how this feels."

   I looked back up at him, the wind burning my eyes. Swagger locked eyes with the ground below him, a gloss over his pupils.

   He swallowed and continued, "We're all in this together, as cheesy as that sounds. Schlatt's gone, we need you. Come on, let's get a slurpee."

   I couldn't hold it in anymore, letting out a laugh and looked back at him, his eyes lighting up.

   "You're right, fuck this. Let's get a goddamn slurpee." I held out my hand to which he grabbed and pulled himself up. I tugged my clothing into place and burst back into the cafeteria, my friend's glancing back up at me in relief.

   "Good." John grinned, "Let's go wreck some mother fucking havoc." He stood up with a start grabbing Smii7y's arm and yanking him up as well.

   "First, refreshments." Swagger stopped them, putting up a finger. The group groaned.

   "Do we have to?" Fitz complained.

   "Hydration is important." I said strictly, humor on the edge of my voice. The group sighed and tiredly through their backpacks over their shoulders.

   I grabbed my black Jansport backpack which was heavy with books and folders. As I picked it up I struggled, making an unpleasant grunting noise and I threw it on. As much as I tried, the pack slid down my back from the weight.

   "You know what," I inhaled through my teeth, "Fuck this."

   I took off running, bursting through the front doors with a deafening smack. The rest let out yelps of confusion and followed me and I ran across the courtyard. I saw a set of stairs leading to the balcony of the second floor and sprinted up it, my legs nearly buckling under the weight.

   When I reached the top my calfs burned and my throat was sore from breathing so hard. I slid off my backpack and unzipped it. Staring at the ground I felt determination and power. But it wasn't power in a bad way, this was power I'd earned.

   With a grin on my face, I dumped my entire back out onto the ground below. I watched the papers fly to and fro, contrasting the thud of the textbooks. The spines of novels snapped in half as they landed open faced, and binders broke open, bouncing across the asphalt.

   I saw Cooper run into all the debree, and then turn to look up at me. Seeing the smile on my face, he mirrored it.

   "Get the fuck down here!" He yelled up, cupping his hands into a shitting microphone.

   "Why?" I yelled back.

   "We're dumping our shit into the pool!" He waved for me to follow and I looked behind me to see a teacher storming out. I then glanced to the side to see an administrator walking up the steps. I was pinned.

   I glanced below me to see a bed of flowers and bushes.

  "Fuck it."

   I jumped.

(A/N: Not a huge fan of this story, so I'll work on making it more fun to read and write!)

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